Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gay rights in schools (USA)

Gay rights in schools (USA) ??????
Schools in USA, do they promote "gay rights" and "anti-homophobia" I know in most states same sex marriage is illegal so would they promote "gay is okay" if they can't even get married by the law? I know in Canadian schools promote "gay rights" and "anti-homophobia" they have signs all over my school saying things like "homophobia free zone" I am not gay or homophobic, I am just started thinking about that when I read this question,
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No unlike Canada we value freedom of speech and expression so if people wanna be mean then let them be mean. If they wanna be nice then let them be nice.
2 :
well if it was up to me i would round up all these gays and give them all a good seeing to
3 :
Idk...all the homosexuals in the school I went to were afraid to come out. I dont know why. You could totally tell. That is only with gay dudes. I dont have any gaydar on lesbos tho. Most schools seem to promote antihomophobia but think how a teacher would respond if you came out with it.
4 :
my school has a couple flyer's like that. and there's like this club or something for homophobic's and homo pride or something
5 :
The US is insanely close minded about this stuff. Even if the staff at the schools all over the country wanted to enforce tolerance and such, most people would complain in the first place. I think it would be better if the US were more supportive of people who chose to live a different way but I guess being different means that you can never be happy or treated with respect. In truth, I hate the ignorance of this country. So in short, no. No homosexual tolerance in our schools due to close mindedness and ignorance!
6 :
If they do promote these things, they shouldn't. Our schools should be places of education, not indoctrination. You see, it isn't the job of the state to influence morality and this is exactly why I home schooled all three of my children. I did it to keep them away from the majority of liberally minded teachers so prevalent in our schools today. As a parent, I am the only person that has say in what my children believe and if I want to teach my children to hate gays, that is my business. If I want to teach them to love gays that is my business. Either way, the state has no place in it. As parents that is our responsibility alone.

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