Monday, March 16, 2009

What is the difference between schools in the USA and schools in germany

What is the difference between schools in the USA and schools in germany?
i was wondering what the difference what the school were like in germany? how they are different from the schools in the USA?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
in simple words system in germany is the worst system all over the world
2 :
Here in Germany students are going there first four to six years in the same kind of school after that they are getting separate in different school types with lower or higher requirements. There is the Hauptschule which means Basic school( low requirements) there is the Realschule ( middle requirements) and the Gymnasium ( high level or requirements). The system is known as the most unfair unhuman school system in Europe. In USA you have one kind of the High school that's the main differences.

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