Friday, April 24, 2009

How to make Friends and Get a Girlfiend as a freshman if I am new to the school and usa

How to make Friends and Get a Girlfiend as a freshman if I am new to the school and usa?
Okay so here it goes, I shifted to motor Motor city a month ago but school has only been on a week now. Its good to be here but its really different form pakistan (my hometown)... most people came to me by my self and intorduced me but i still was not able to make any friends and i dont have nay americans as my friends... neither on facebook... so i just want to know how can i get friends... and most importantly a girlfriend... plzzz I am new and i think this is the best time to get a good advice cox i dont have a fixed impression (gud or bad ) in school.. I am 5'7 and am kinda dark in colour... I am really smart in my classes and I think my face is not really bad ( i iwll give it 8.5 outa 10).. so I wanna know tht how can 1... look good in school and attrct girls ( some of em are my target).. 2..make good and sincere friends .3.... have a good impression on evryone and finally get a gf... please..... I really want you people to help... evry1 is encouraged and appreciated but plzz no crap ansers and i would like typical higschool girls with bfs or no bfs to tell me .. P.S i am a freshman and would also like to know how should i look.. for any additional questions or extrahelp plxx email me on thnx in advance... Ps.. i wanna know aquick wqay on how to be which can attract girls.. wht shoudl i atleast do as the first step and how shou'ld i get frndz.. i mean.. wht to talk to girls about-... plzzzz
Friends - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You gotta get confidence in yourself! <3
2 :
DONT try. like feeshmen year almost nobody is dating or anything. in fact, if you play hard to get which means you make yourelf hard to approach, then girls will like you more and dont be a pervert. like its gross. also, dress in the skater style. every girl likes it
3 :
First off, don't post your email on a public website man.. You're asking to get trolled. Secondly, when you get to school just whip your dickk out, American girls love that. \ Shwing!!!!
4 :
\ This is highschool in america which means your gonna have to make yourself known. Be yourself though, don't try to be someone your not. Act like youve known these kids your whole life, get comfortable with them, make jokes, talk to everyone you can. YOU HAVE TO TALK. Be outgoing/funny/cool. But im still saying be yourself. Talk to a random people in class and raise your hand alot in class so people know you exist. You can't be quiet. And the last thing is have fuuuun.

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