Sunday, May 16, 2010

do they have survival school in the usa

do they have survival school in the usa?
i think they need it. and i want my kids to go to one too. i mean like the one i went to when i was 9, u know basic training, basic wild animal ed, poison and venom ed, like during the summertime.
Other - Education - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, there is a GREAT survival school and the admission is free. The United States Army, The United States Marine Corps are two of the best. Both have been building character for over 200 years.
2 :
Sure! As many forests, rivers, and canyons there is in the U.S.A, there has to be a survival school. But many of them are weeks long, intense, not for children, and cost a lot. But there is probably a survival school in a church, school, or maybe for your kids, scouts! I don't know, maybe you could google it?
3 :
Probably not one you want to enroll a child in. They seem to be either run by militia organizations or the far right wing. There are some organizations that run schools that use wilderness schools to development self image and self acceptance. One is Outward Bound and if you live on either coast or the Great Lakes, you could check out sail training programmes that also do this kind of work..
4 :
yea they do
5 :
There are survival *courses*, but are you talking about tough-love programs where they dump kids in the desert and then wonder why one or two get heat stroke and die?

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