Friday, October 8, 2010

how much a doctor (just out of medical school) earns in usa

how much a doctor (just out of medical school) earns in usa?

Medicine - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Nada nuff now with OBAMACARE. You'll go bankrupt! Try nursing, or dentist. Think about the cost of insurance and such. Doctors now days are dropping like flies because they see what is coming. Look at Fact Check on for this new health care law. Please don't bash me... I voted for OBAMA and worked for my local campaign district... now I am sick to my stomach I helped this nut get into office!!! Our future children have a unbelievable debt now more then ever.
2 :
it depends on a lot of things but generally anywhere from $90k-300k 1. did you graduate from with an MD or DO? 2. what specialty did you train in 3. what part of the country do you want to work 4. are you will to take call google: cejkasearch and when you get there click on the link for salaries
3 :
Well, first you have to do residency which is around $40,000 to $50,000/year depending on where you train. After that, it depends on your speciality and whether you choose to go into academic medicine or private practice.

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