Thursday, September 24, 2009

the oldest school in USA? the oldest college in USA

the oldest school in USA? the oldest college in USA?

Trivia - 3 Answers
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The oldest schools will be in Massachusettes, where we started all this nonsense. The oldest college is William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. Schools? Do you mean school house?
2 :
The University of Michigan was founded in 1817 as one of the oldest public universities History of Boston Latin School The first classes of the Boston Latin School were held in the homes of the Masters. About 1645 the first schoolhouse, as such, was erected on the north side of School Street,* on the rear of the site now occupied by King's Chapel. The Oldest Schoolhouse in America. A little old schoolhouse located on St. George Street in St. Augustine, FLA. Source
3 :
the school of native american culture- it's been there thousands of years.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do You Know Any Regulations For International Students Housing

Do You Know Any Regulations For International Students Housing?
I am an International student planning to further study in a boarding school USA. Do you have any idea if there's any special regulation that boarding school has to meet to have for my housing?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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hey!I also want to go to USA.where are you from?

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


such as the school season at a school in U.S. refieron me to holidays and when classes start For example here in Argentina from December to March are the holidays. classes from March to July. are no holidays in July and August to December classes Beyond the United States and is the school season in high school?
My Yahoo! - 1 Answers
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In the USA, school starts in August and ends in May. The rest of the year is summer vacation, when there is no school at all until it starts again in August. This can differ a little bit however, because in some states, schools start later or earlier than this, but the amount of time in school is the same. This schedule is for the majority of schools, not just high school.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What US School History Class Would U have to Take to learn about

What US School History Class Would U have to Take to learn about..?
what USA school class would u have to take in high school (9-12) to learn about the 3 musketeers in France.. or about pirates and how they sailed the seas and fought people and stuff?? ima freshman and im just wondering, cause American history is kinda sucky no offense :[
Teaching - 3 Answers
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The three musketeers are part of literature and pirates are a rather minor part of history, so it sounds like the class you are looking for would be pop history (which isn't taught). If you're talking about history of the world other than the US, that is generally the Freshman year. American history does have some dull bits, but so does the rest of the world; the difference is that most of the rest of the world has had a longer time to develop more good parts.
2 :
What she said ^^ except that here in Kentucky world history (world civ) is taught at the sophomore year.
3 :
Well no US history class is going to teach you about fictional French people. I doubt there are any US History classes that will teach you much about pirates since by the time of Colonial America pirate life had died down a lot, and by the time of actual America it was near nonexistent. Pirates played a small part in early america. But American history does not suck. But no, it does not have much sword play. When the US was formed it guns had pretty much replaced swords. Cowboys, and Pioneers are the folk heroes of American life. Nearly ALL modern sci-fi is based in someway on American frontier life

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