Thursday, September 8, 2011

How long do School summer holidays last in USA

How long do School summer holidays last in USA?
When start and when end?
Polls & Surveys - 11 Answers
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1 :
it's different for a lot of people but for me end- june 10, start aug 25
2 :
start in early june, end in late august
3 :
it's different times in different parts of the United States mind is usually from the last week of May to the beginning of August roughly 3 months, which went by too fast
4 :
mid june till early september
5 :
mostly the end of may to the middle of august but they are always around 3 months
6 :
Like, three months. I get out on June 2? 3? usually, and I go back on September 13, usually.But this year we have a long summer, so it's all good! :]
7 :
They start January and go till December. A short summer really.
8 :
I'm a exchange student here, and it just started yesterday. (Today was the second day.) I was told we get off in may 29.
9 :
roughly 11 weeks
10 :
its about 3 months. for me it was June 9th---August 26th
11 :
Where I live on the East Coast of the USA, my daughter's last day of school for the school year is ALWAYS the last Friday in June & the 1st day of school is ALWAYS 2 days after Labor Day, the U.S. holiday, which is the 1st Monday in September, which would be the Wednesday after the 1st Monday in September, which this year isn't until September 9th. So she ALWAYS gets 2 months off school for Summer vacation. And it's been that way since I was in school & I'm 36. The states that get 3 months off mostly don't get any days off during the school year. Only when I was in College did I get 3 months off - I ended at the end of May & didn't start until the end of August. But, to me, Summer is June through August & if I was a kid, I'd HATE to go back to school before Labor Day, or even the day after!
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