Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hello! i'm italian!!!how works the school in USA? ADD ME!

Hello! i'm italian!!!how works the school in USA?
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
the skools in the us are VERY boring what about over there?
2 :
School, isn't to bad...I think the the system in Europe is better though.
3 :
Its not that bad. But we have a lot of pressure.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Whats the most horrible middle school in the USA

Whats the most horrible middle school in the USA?
I dunno im bored and wonderin :P
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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1 :
Well, besides the one I went to, Park Middle School, because it's initials are PMS.
2 :
one with no hot guys! lolz but really idk
3 :
the one i went too...but dont they all suck? i live in ohio if that tells ya anything lol....oh and lol @ pms
4 :
That question is impossible to answer. There is no 1 "most horrible" middle school.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i have done 3 years diploma in mechancal engg. after 10 th std.Is this equivalent to high school for usa addm

i have done 3 years diploma in mechancal engg. after 10 th std.Is this equivalent to high school for usa addmi

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
You have done three years "diploma" in university and you want to know if it equates to an American high school, if I have paraphrased properly. Based on my knowledge of high school level training, you are eons above any student in high school in the area of mechanical engineering.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

High school in USA

High school in USA?
are high schools in america like the ones in the movies with the bit**y gorgeous blonde popular cheerleaders and hot football players??
Other - Society & Culture - 8 Answers
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1 :
not always true, specially here in my school, we are all normal, it's very sad the way movies portray my country in a horrible way to the rest of the world, you need to be here to know.
2 :
no not at all once you get in high school everybody has their own group there is not as much who is popular and who is not like in 7th and 8th grade.
3 :
pretty much...yes! lol but way worse!
4 :
yes but they are a minority there are a lot more just average people
5 :
some of them. But movies tend to show only the most photogenic of examples. Cheerleaders are not always blonde, nor as "gorgeous" by limited Hollywood/magazine standards, nor are football players necessarily as attractive. Popular people are notnecessarily B**chy either. Also, smaller schools may not have football teams at all.
6 :
Yep, exactly. And the losers alwasys win in the end.
7 :
In the affluent areas yes. But most high schools are not like this. There a cliques and classes. There are goths and emos. Band nerds and the dorks. It is normal.
8 :
yep but much worse

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