Monday, May 24, 2010

What are the general deadlines of Applications for Business Schools in USA

What are the general deadlines of Applications for Business Schools in USA?
I would like to know the general deadlines of US Business Schools for Fall, Spring and Summer. Thanks in advance.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Speak with the colleges themselves. They willhave that info. You can probably find out online.
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

do they have survival school in the usa

do they have survival school in the usa?
i think they need it. and i want my kids to go to one too. i mean like the one i went to when i was 9, u know basic training, basic wild animal ed, poison and venom ed, like during the summertime.
Other - Education - 5 Answers
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Yes, there is a GREAT survival school and the admission is free. The United States Army, The United States Marine Corps are two of the best. Both have been building character for over 200 years.
2 :
Sure! As many forests, rivers, and canyons there is in the U.S.A, there has to be a survival school. But many of them are weeks long, intense, not for children, and cost a lot. But there is probably a survival school in a church, school, or maybe for your kids, scouts! I don't know, maybe you could google it?
3 :
Probably not one you want to enroll a child in. They seem to be either run by militia organizations or the far right wing. There are some organizations that run schools that use wilderness schools to development self image and self acceptance. One is Outward Bound and if you live on either coast or the Great Lakes, you could check out sail training programmes that also do this kind of work..
4 :
yea they do
5 :
There are survival *courses*, but are you talking about tough-love programs where they dump kids in the desert and then wonder why one or two get heat stroke and die?

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

what is school like in japan

what is school like in japan?
have you been to tokyo? does every school in japan have to wear uniform? how is it different to the USA schools?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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From my Japanese Friend: most japanese schools are strict. i have been to Tokyo. not every school [has uniforms] but most of them have school uniform it is common thing for school. of course some of the japanese schools don't have uniform. (Her English is getting better) I know that you have to help clean up your school at the end of classes every day then you go home to eat dinner and after that you might go to night classes... just like Korea or China... very Sucsess orientated US Schools are way more relaxed...

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

which is the most popular acting school in the whole of USA

which is the most popular acting school in the whole of USA?
I am looking for a school that will trigger my success in the field of acting and give me an entry into hollywood.
Theater & Acting - 3 Answers
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it depends...are you looking for popularity or success? because Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts is popular... but Juilliard School is extreamly successfull but also hart to get into
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There's no such school; sorry. I'm sure other respondents will list the "usual suspects" of actor training programs: Julliard, NYU, Carnegie-Mellon, etc. But, the bad news is that NONE of those schools guarantees you anything. Ultimately, you'll walk into auditions and directors and/or casting directors will ask to see your WORK...not your diploma. The best acting school for YOU is the one at which you'll get the best possible training. And that's something you won't know until you get out there and investigate dozens of different options. You need to write letters, pay visits to campuses, talk to professors, sit in on classes, talk to current and former students of those programs, etc. Find the faculty you CONNECT with; the ones that you truly believe can move you forward. That's the school for you. Oh, and by the way...don't leave the Professional Theatre Training Program at the University of Delaware off your list; they're the best.
3 :
Schools do not trigger your success, they train you as a performer. It is up to you and your agent to trigger your success. Schools give you the tools to become an actor, the rest is up to you. You don't want the most popular school. You want the school that has a staff of EXCELLENT acting teachers that consistently produce well-trained actors!

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