Tuesday, August 24, 2010

what foreign languages do USA schools usually teach? at what age do they start.

what foreign languages do USA schools usually teach? at what age do they start?
in my country english is taught since the age of 6 and in high school we have to pick another one (in my case french), then in the university entrance exam you have to pass an exam of advanced english. is this similar in american schools with another language? but from what age to what age is it mandatory and is it necessary to enter college? ok my main question which no one is answering is from what age (grade) to what age is it a MUST and if its part of what i believe you call the SAT'S
Other - Cultures & Groups - 8 Answers
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1 :
I was taught Spanish from 4th grade and up. French in high school, and learned Spanish again in college. But the languages that are offered in high school are Spanish, Latin, French, Mandarin, Japanese It is never a must in primary school, some public schools offer it other do not. The key word here is "offer." The only point where a foreign language is required is when one wants to earn a Associates of Art degree and Spanish is a requirement.
2 :
in my schools-french and spanish....some schools in my state are now branching out into mandarin....
3 :
Spanish, French, and Latin were my options.
4 :
None. English is America's only language.
5 :
Our district just started teaching "Chinese immersion" in preschool. They get Chinese (Manderin) language and culture; it's the superintendent's pet project. I'm not really thrilled. Many US schools teach Spanish at an elementary school level, and Spanish, French and sometimes German, Russian and/or Japanese at a secondary/high school level. Many more languages can be found at college and university levels.
6 :
French, Spanish, Latino
7 :
It depends on the school. My elementary school in Baltimore didn't teach foreign languages. When I was in middle school (at age 10 or 11), we were offered French, Spanish, and Italian (I chose French). But when I moved back to New York, the school my parents put me in only taught Spanish and Italian (I went with Spanish). In high school, we had French, Spanish, Italian, and Mandarin (I went back to French). In our 3rd year in high school, we had to pass a proficiency test in the foreign language we chose. It's not a part of the SATs. The SATs only test math and English (vocabulary and writing); although familiarity with a Romance language may give you an edge.
8 :
I was taught Spanish starting in the 1st grade at age 8. After 12 yrs old, we can choose which languages we want to learn. The 3 main languages we are taught are Spanish, French and Italian. In College, there are otherlanguages besides those in which we can choose to take classes in. At age 14-18, (High School) it is mandatory to get a certain amount of credits in a foreign language.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Are the school cafeteria in UK and USA really tasteless

Are the school cafeteria in UK and USA really tasteless?
I have heard that the school canteen in UK and USA are not delicious before. Is it true? And what kind of foods are there in the school canteen? Please tell me :)
Other - Food & Drink - 7 Answers
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Yes, except pizza, which still doesn't taste like normal pizza. You have to remember that schools have to spend the least and cater to the tastes of the most people. That usually translates as bland food made with inferior ingredients.
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I thought they were very good when I went to school but over time things change. When my children went to school they found that in the elementary grades they were given outdated food. When my son tried to bring home a bag of chips to show us the date they took it away from him. Since this was food we paid for they had no right to take it from him either, but they did. I no longer have faith in our public schools lunch programs and question much about our public school system in general. There is not just a problem with the quality of the food but I feel serving food on styrofoam plates and trays is hazardous to our children's health. The ingredients used to make styrofoam are toxic. Why are U.S. schools serving food on it?
3 :
I am in the states. Our food was pretty decent. The one thing we all tried to avoid was the macaroni. It was a globby pile of glue. Other than that we had regular meals and a small salad bar, as well as an ala cart options with chefs salads, and so on...
4 :
I usually play it safe and get the salad, unless I've seen what the food looks like.
5 :
YES! Everything is really bad. We had bouncy chicken nuggets and hot dogs that were green on the bottom. Pizza is usually okay. There is just basic food: mashed potatoes, fruit cups, veggies, chilli, pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, corndogs, bread rolls, sandwiches, things like that. I don't remember much because I stopped eating a long time ago. I remember in elementary school, the only thing I liked was their hot pockets. they were actually pretty good. HOPE THIS HELPS!
6 :
Yes and no. At our school there are days where the food is just horrible and some days where you can actually get a decent lunch. But people dont want to risk it and find it easier to buy a poptart or cookie with a slushie. Very unhealthy. ANd the only way to get a salad is if you get to the front of the line first, and when you do get one they can be very disgusting. I remember at my elementary school they actually fed us really good. They types of food availible are: Fries(with cheese if you want), Chili cheese fries, Burger, Cheese burger, Spicy Chicken sand winch, pizza, salad, Maxx sticks, chicken nuggets, Deli sandwinch, slushies, apple juice, water, pineapple juice. They dont sell sodas to us anymore. You can also probably get poptarts and cookies. and there is usually a teacher who sells candy and sometimes pizza but usually after school. The food is probably not as delicious as before, but at least they feed us :) kinda...lol
7 :

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

what are the school sembreak/vacation in USA and when is it

what are the school sembreak/vacation in USA and when is it?
what are the school sembreak/vacation in USA and when is it?Please answer it right answer and complete cause next year I'm gonna leave and study at USA.Thanks to the person who answers it right.:)
Other - Education - 4 Answers
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1 :
The exact dates depend on what school you are going to. In general the college dates are: summer from mid-May to the start of September, winter break from mid-December to mid-January and spring break is a week in March. Also, you get time off for holidays like Thanksgiving, and religious holidays if your school is religious. High school dates are different.
2 :
Depends on the grade and level of schooling. Kindergarten through 12th grade: Breaks are usually June - August/september. Start year in september. some holidays here and there, and a 2 week break covering from a little before christmas to a little after new years. College: Quarter system: June through September is summer break, And between 2 and 4 weeks in december for christmas and new years Semester System: May through August for summer, and about 4 weeks in december for christmas and new years
3 :
What the other person said plus I go to a state university and we DO get a one week break for Thanksgiving (the whole week that the holiday falls on.
4 :
Depends on where you go, generally it is by the area... Here in central texas they are as follows Spring: Jan 15 - June 1 Summer: June 10 - Aug 15 Fall: Aug 22 - Dec 20 It all depends on where you ware though, i know up in the NW, like OR and WA that it is about 2 weeks faster. Meaning spring starts Jan 1, and winter ends dec 5th or so...

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

What's the best pharmacy school in the USA

What's the best pharmacy school in the USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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getting into pharmacy school is touch but if you get in to any school and get your pharmd. degree, and become a pharmacist, it doesnt matter. As long as you get into any pharmacy school, it's all good.
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I have heard wonderful reviews about Cambell in North Carolina. It's a smaller school, but two of my friends who attended there (and other schools--they transferred in) loved the professor to student ratio as well as the campus.
3 :
UC San Fran if you go by the polls...
4 :
Pick the school which best fits you. Those polls are biased.

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