Thursday, March 24, 2011

what education is required to be a custom officer or higher custom hierarchy in the USA

what education is required to be a custom officer or higher custom hierarchy in the USA?
what education is required to be a custom officer or higher hierarchy in the USA what school trains them etc thanks.
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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1 : we'd tell you.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is the best school in the USA

What is the best school in the USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 12 Answers
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Columbia, but I'm partial since I go there.
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Madam Margaret's School for Wayward Boys and Girls
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school of rock
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Depends on what you are going into...
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That would be the one that you can afford.
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According to US News' 2007 review of colleges: Princeton.
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That is all a matter of opinion. Some of the best schools include Harvard, Columbia, USC, Yale, and many others. It just depends on what you want to study, for example, you want to study law, go to Harvard, that's obvious. It's the best school with a law program, and it's the oldest college in the U.S.. If you want to study to be a veternarian, go to Texas A&M. That's one of the best. Those are just a few examples, so just depends on what you want to study, and what you can actually afford, if you plan on going to college.
10 :
Princeton University Harvard University Yale University Columbia University
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Generally speaking, Harvard. However it depends on the major.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

where can i find a list of the top jewish private school in the USA

where can i find a list of the top jewish private school in the USA ?
see abovee ^^ private jewish top USA
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I would suggest that you contact the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools and ask them to send you their latest listing. Their phone number is 212 227 1000. Good Luck!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Going to school in England (from USA); will my BA degree qualify back in the States

Going to school in England (from USA); will my BA degree qualify back in the States?
I am going to university in England for a BA (hons) in Creative Writing. It has three years instead of the usual four in America. Will it still qualify as a degree in America?
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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US and UK bachelors degrees are considered entirely equivalent. The reason why UK degrees take only 3 years is because you focus entirely on your major. In the US, you're required to have breadth as well as depth, and you have to take courses outside your major such as foreign language, math, etc. But in the end, the two degrees are considered equivalent, so don't stress. You're good.
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Hi Chelsea, They should be treated as equivalent and you should not have any problems with finding a job in the US with a degree from the UK.
3 :
Yes, it will be accepted and respected in the USA. You will study the field and forgo Into to Art, Intro to Music and such crap!

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