Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is the best school in the USA

What is the best school in the USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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Columbia, but I'm partial since I go there.
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Madam Margaret's School for Wayward Boys and Girls
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school of rock
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Depends on what you are going into...
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That would be the one that you can afford.
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According to US News' 2007 review of colleges: Princeton.
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That is all a matter of opinion. Some of the best schools include Harvard, Columbia, USC, Yale, and many others. It just depends on what you want to study, for example, you want to study law, go to Harvard, that's obvious. It's the best school with a law program, and it's the oldest college in the U.S.. If you want to study to be a veternarian, go to Texas A&M. That's one of the best. Those are just a few examples, so just depends on what you want to study, and what you can actually afford, if you plan on going to college.
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Princeton University Harvard University Yale University Columbia University
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Generally speaking, Harvard. However it depends on the major.

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