Friday, May 8, 2009

i am a german nurse do i have to go here in usa ga again to school 3 years in germany nursing school cpmlet

i am a german nurse do i have to go here in usa ga again to school 3 years in germany nursing school cpmlet?
i finish nursing school in germany,i'm in the i have to go to school,again? after the crediental eveluation,do i have to take exam again,if yes what kind & what filed? how long do i have to learn,is there a time limitt?what count here in usa the german certificatonfor nurse in usa?
Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
I looked at something like this a couple years ago. A friend of mine from Guatemala was going to move to USA and he's a doctor. He would have had to take a competency test to be licensed in USA. I remember he would probably have had to study for 6 months (estimate) in order to have a good chance at passing the test. He stayed in Guatemala with a practice there.
2 :
professional licencing [includes nurses] in US is run by the individual states. each state has their requirements avail on the internet. google will find the entry websites for you for any state you're interested in. the good news is that many US states have a shortage of nurses. That means there is a fair chance of getting a work visa -- the the US government's website for details. I would not be surprised to discover that a US employer has to apply for the visa on your behalf. There is an employer certification required saying that they're tried and failed to full their position with a US citizen. Which may mean that you need to find a US employer as the first step. [Hint: major hospitals in large cities are more likely to know how to navigate the paperwork to facilitate your work visa and licence. Hospitals in those cities with many German tourists and/or many German business travelers may need your German language skills which they'll likely be unable to find in the US labor market.] What kind of nursing do you wish to do? GL
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