Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PLEASE ANSWER. Chances of getting into a good medical school in USA

PLEASE ANSWER. Chances of getting into a good medical school in USA?
What are my chances of getting into a GOOD med school if I have... (1) 3.59 GPA (2) Major in Biology (3) Minor in Chemistry (4) Completed over 100hrs volunteering at hospitals (5) Interned at the NIH Neurogenetics division, last summer and will be an IRTA next year (1 year @ main campus) (6) Been on the deans list every year (7)...and (have not taken yet but..) get a good MCAT score, say 30+? What are my chances and how could I increase them? **Additional info: -Graduated from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico -Graduated in 3.5 years. (took 18+ credits each semester) Thanks!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
Its the time of the recession in the U.S, so it might be a little harder than in better times.
2 :
I'd say your chances are excellent and you do not have to worry so much about it as you are! Take your MCAT and see how you do, I'm sure you'll do just fine. And apply, apply, apply! There are a lot of good med schools in the US.
3 :
you have a good chance. go for it. good luck!

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Monday, February 16, 2009

My friend is ESL teacher in china she wants to apply job in USA any school you know who hire foreign teachers

My friend is ESL teacher in china she wants to apply job in USA any school you know who hire foreign teachers
She have 10-12 years experience in teaching and her major is Biology. She teaches college,high school and elementary.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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In New York State a teacher must be licensed in NYS. That means 4 different state test, a 4 year degree in the field and a master's degree. I assume hat other states have similar procedures. My dental hygenist had a degree in Italy as a dentist, but had to re-do a good portion of her education here in the US

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Architecture School in USA

Architecture School in USA?
I'm from Greece and i want if someone knows a US university that it is pretty cheap(wen i say cheap i mean that will not be as expensive as harvard or yale) university that will have good architecture programs.New York University is good?
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
Cooper Union Great school; it may not be well known (since it's pretty small), but it always grants a full tuition scholarship :D
2 :
U.C. Berkeley is a great school for Architecture. Not only is it in California but they are actively looking for students from other countries, apparently.
3 :
Us is not known for good architecture universities since America has no known history : No offense (I'm American). It is good in technology: Medicine, engineering, but when it comes to Arts: EUROPE
4 :
Try looking at smaller state schools. Many of them have quality programs but can't compete with the noise of the Ivy's. New York U. is pretty good, but everything in NYC is so expensive. I believe most programs in Chicago are good. I know Ohio programs--the University of Cincinnati and Miami University have good programs. Virginia is also very good. Schools in Oregon and Washington state should also usually have a good reputation.
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

How do I get work in France immediately after getting an MD degree from USA

How do I get work in France immediately after getting an MD degree from USA?
I want to move to Europe to work and live there. I am currently applying to medical schools in USA, and once I get an MD I would like to do my residency- or the equivalent of-(an "internat") in France. Is this easy to do? OR is it easier to transfer to the medical proffesion after doing a residency in USA? I want to do surgery, if that makes a difference.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
why dont you contact the french embassy,im sure they can be of help to you
2 :
It is ALWAYS easier to complete all of your education and training and obtain a valid medical license in one country. Once you're licensed 99% of the hassles disappear.

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