Sunday, February 1, 2009

How do I get work in France immediately after getting an MD degree from USA

How do I get work in France immediately after getting an MD degree from USA?
I want to move to Europe to work and live there. I am currently applying to medical schools in USA, and once I get an MD I would like to do my residency- or the equivalent of-(an "internat") in France. Is this easy to do? OR is it easier to transfer to the medical proffesion after doing a residency in USA? I want to do surgery, if that makes a difference.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
why dont you contact the french embassy,im sure they can be of help to you
2 :
It is ALWAYS easier to complete all of your education and training and obtain a valid medical license in one country. Once you're licensed 99% of the hassles disappear.

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