Sunday, February 8, 2009

Architecture School in USA

Architecture School in USA?
I'm from Greece and i want if someone knows a US university that it is pretty cheap(wen i say cheap i mean that will not be as expensive as harvard or yale) university that will have good architecture programs.New York University is good?
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cooper Union Great school; it may not be well known (since it's pretty small), but it always grants a full tuition scholarship :D
2 :
U.C. Berkeley is a great school for Architecture. Not only is it in California but they are actively looking for students from other countries, apparently.
3 :
Us is not known for good architecture universities since America has no known history : No offense (I'm American). It is good in technology: Medicine, engineering, but when it comes to Arts: EUROPE
4 :
Try looking at smaller state schools. Many of them have quality programs but can't compete with the noise of the Ivy's. New York U. is pretty good, but everything in NYC is so expensive. I believe most programs in Chicago are good. I know Ohio programs--the University of Cincinnati and Miami University have good programs. Virginia is also very good. Schools in Oregon and Washington state should also usually have a good reputation.
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