Sunday, May 24, 2009

What exactly is the school/education policy in the USA

What exactly is the school/education policy in the USA?
I'm looking for information on the school/education policies of the USA. in Germany, it's written out in our "constitution", how about in the States? Where can I find information on the topic? In more detail: My questions are, what are a students' rights/obligations? how is the school system built up? what rights/obligations/restrictions do teachers have? ...and more things like that; in essence, anything I can find on the subject.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
try try - try typing in "U.S. policy Department of education" see websites below (hope it help u!)
2 :
In the US, there is no national standard. Each local school system sets its own policies. Within each state there are also different policies, which are enforced for the school systems in that state. So, to do your project, you would be better off focussing on one state, and then visiting the Department of Education for that state. Or, you could choose a local school system and visit the website for that. Local school systems can be County wide, or township wide, or city wide.

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