Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If I said that less than half the black population in the USA graduated high school, would I be racist

If I said that less than half the black population in the USA graduated high school, would I be racist?
or pointing out a very true fact? My motive for pointing this out is to prove that most people will associate anything negative about blacks to be racist.
Polls & Surveys - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What's with all the negative comments about black people today? This is ridiculous.. ಠ_à²
2 :
No, you would just be intelligent.
3 :
That depends. For what purpose are you pointing this out? What's your motive?
4 :
If it's a true statistic, then no. Facts are facts.
5 :
not really your just stating facts
6 :
I asked my husband (whom happened to be black) and he said that it depends how you use it. He also said that it was true. Im married to a black man and I often say before I think and It can be very awkward sometimes when I say things like this but he also knows that Im not saying it aginst him just pointing out facts.
7 :
.You are because why does it bother you, worry about yourself. You should be happy that is not you, and you know what you are. Can you back up what you are saying, where are the links to these statistics? Have you literally looked up what you are saying? I doubt it Because you don't care, you just want to look down on people. So, it makes you look like a bigot. Look at your question...some white people have no common sense sometimes, and the things that come out your mouth and you are suppose to be intelligent; people just cant believe or won't believe that you are in fact that stupid and ignorant, that the only thing they know to call it is racist. But they do not realize that you are just dumb-minded. And don't know any better, but I would not expect anything less. Look at your kids, bullies and harassers

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