Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's the best law school in the USA

What's the best law school in the USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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1 :
Columbia, by far.
2 :
Are you looking for rank or for the best education? If you're looking for the best educations look for the smaller schools-they will work you harder. Otherwise go to harvard or some place like that.
3 :
I'm only 14..but I am a striaght A student and an excellent basketball player. Havard is hands down the best Law School. I aspire to go to Warden for finance..but if your going for law..go to Harvard. Continue your ambitions..and you will be succesful
4 :
It depends on what you are looking for. I believe Yale is #1 this year, but it focuses more on academia than practice. Harvard at #2 is more attuned to practice. I go to Northwestern which is #12 but is #1 in attracting employers. Depends on what you want.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Does Peruvian High School diploma have any value in USA

Does Peruvian High School diploma have any value in USA?
I have a newphew that is going to be coming to the USA and we were wondering if a Peruvian High School diploma has any value and if it does what value? We need to know this because he wants to go into a community college, so we want to know if with the Peruvian diploma, if he can get into the community college. And if he can, does he need to know anything, like take some tests or anything like that? Please help, this is urgent. Thanks.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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All educational degrees from any country have some sort of value. It depends on what university/college you want to go to and what you want to major in or become. Education in China is very rigorous and almost all prospective students coming for higher education in the U.S. can speak English. However, their high school graduation isn't acknowledged by the BOE, so they aren't considered high school graduates in and of the US. People are allowed to enroll in colleges based on their school performance, English competency, and placement test scores. Sometimes, colleges may ask you to take the GED (Graduation Equivalency Degree) and score high enough for them to accept you. Your nephew has to talk to the college he hopes to enroll in to see what he needs to do. Most students spend months preparing applications for colleges

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is it true in japan high school is optional

Is it true in japan high school is optional?
Someone told me that the dumb japanese people do go to high school cause its optional. If thats true then I can see why japan has high education rates cause only the smart want to go to high school and that saves alot of money. Look at all the money we waste of retarded and dumb people in usa high schools. I think dumb people should not be allowed to go to high school so money can be spent on only the smart.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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ahahah idunno either thatd be sick i wouldnt go then XD
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What is a South African Standard 8 equivalent to schools in USA

What is a South African Standard 8 equivalent to schools in USA?

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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it depends on your age but it most likely to be the 8th grade i moved to America when i was in standard 8 in Guyana and i was placed in the 8th grade

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