Monday, April 16, 2012

What is next on the agenda of New York & LA liberals who had easily hijacked the Republican Party with PINK

What is next on the agenda of New York & LA liberals who had easily hijacked the Republican Party with PINK?
leaders? -Jesus was gay -Semitic found the USA -Whites were decedents of Chinese -Force interracial marriages -gay class in grade school -USA convert to United Stable Animals Honestly, what is next?
Politics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
CA is like a whole other country and I could careless what happens there .
2 :
This must be your brain on drugs.
3 :
See, this is why I never dropped acid or did drugs. ...Hippies.
4 :
I never once considered that John McCain, Robert Dole, George Bush (either one) or Arnold Schwarzenegger were girlie men in disguise. I DO consider them Liberal heretics and better off out of office and out of work. Yes, they hijacked the Republican Party....BUT ITS MY PARTY, AND I WANT IT BACK...along with Sarah Palin, Michelle Buchmann, Jan Brewer, Michelle Malkin, and now Christine O'Donnell. WHY LOOK AT THAT! The girls have bigger juavos than the girlie men!
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