Thursday, May 24, 2012

what is the difference between graduate school and college in USA

what is the difference between graduate school and college in USA?

Studying Abroad - 8 Answers
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1 :
College is where you go for a basic bachelor's degree. Graduate school is Post-graduate education where you get your Master's and PhD's
2 :
College is where one goes to get a higher education after highschool to get a degree such as a Bachelor of Arts or Science or Buisness or the lower levels of Associate Degrees. Grad school is the next level up, getting an even higher degree of a 'Masters' in the field of study. One must succesfully complete college before moving on to Graduate School.
3 :
In college you get a better education that graduate school. I am planning to go to Duke!!! THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
4 :
College is where you get your basic degree. It is generally 4 years, and generally it will prepare you in some liberal arts education or some electives that are not generally related to your degree but will give you a larger base of education. When you go for your masters, you are going for specific courses to your degree, and generally classes are very long and can lead to more money in your field.
5 :
College is where you get a Bachelor's degree, graduate school is where you get a Master's degree or ph. D
6 :
College, or undergraduate work, is geared mored towards a general knowledge. For instance, if one is a liberal arts or humanities major, you would take many classes about history, literature, arts, languages, and in general social sciences, as well as a set number of math and hard science courses, in order to develope and round out your knowledge base. We have majors in undergraduate - so more classes geared towards that subject, but still, there are a lot of general education classes. -There are exceptions, such as vocational/technical colleges, but usually general language, grammar, writing and history classes are still required. Graduate school is more focused, meaning you do not have to take classes outside of your discipline, either your major or minor [if applicable] interest. From what I know of the general european school system, it would be possibl to equate an undergraduate degree with an academic, gymnasium/lycee degree and a Masters with a european university degree. This is because, all students in the US go through roughly the same high school curriculum [of course, some schools are more rigorous than others], so the decision of college verses technical/vocational school is made later, around the age of 18, instead of much earlier, as seems to be the case throughout most of Europe.
7 :
Here is a good article that explains this in more detail:
8 :
College = basic bachelor's degree for undergraduates, usually doesn't offer graduate programs University = offers both undergraduate and graduate programs Graduate school = graduate degrees such as professional degrees in law, business, medicine; or research programs toward PhD

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When you graduate high school in the USA...

When you graduate high school in the USA...?
Is it a pretty big deal? I saw someone ask a question about buying their neighbor's daughter a present for graduating.. I'm from New Zealand and when I 'graduated'/finished high school I didn't even get a congratulations/well done from my own parents.. It's so not a big deal here.
Adolescent - 3 Answers
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depends on your parents and what they can afford. i have seen kids get brand new cars, college tuition, and nothing.
2 :
Well it was nothing like a big blow out party for me. Some of my fellow graduating class had parties and one girls parents bought her a car. But I just got a nice dinner my grandmother made for me and my mom and dad both got me a card. I was very thankful to my parents. Hard to believe its already been two years!
3 :
Yeah, it's a pretty big deal. Most people have big graduation parties and stuff.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Can School/College take foreign transcripts, evaluate and determine if it’s equivalent to high school dipl

Can School/College take foreign transcripts, evaluate and determine if it’s equivalent to high school dipl?
I went to school in the UK and completed all required years of schooling and took some SECONDARY EDUCATION classes (GCSE and GCE A-Level examinations). If i give my certificates awarded can School/College take them and legally give me or determine if it is of same value as a high school diploma (USA)? Can a us high school give me a diploma on my certificates?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I would suggest that you contact the: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. They provide equivalency evaluations in instances like yours. There is a fee, but you would likely need such an evaluation if you were looking to enroll in college or otherwise use your credentials in the US. No, a US high school would not give you a diploma in any instance.
2 :
I think you could talk to admissions staff at the schools which you are considering and they would either be able to evaluate your transcripts, or they would be able to tell you the process to do that. Most schools have staff members who are used to working with international students and they know all the steps you need to take to enroll in an American school. You wouldn't be able to get a high school diploma with your certificates but you don't need it. I suspect you'd be just fine to apply to continue your education if your overall academic performance and exam scores are good.
3 :
If you need the transcripts for college, most US schools accept transcripts from accredited schools in foreign countries. I had my high school transcripts sent to the US from Brasil, and they were fine.
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

how can I get bursary or free education from dance schools in USA

how can I get bursary or free education from dance schools in USA?
I don't have a lot of money and I live in Turkey.I'm 17. five years ago I started to dance(hip-hop).so how can I get bursary?send my videos or send mail???what?
Dancing - 2 Answers
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1 :
You would first have to get accepted to a school. As for financial aid... considering you'd be a foreigner, you'd be better off moving to the US indefinitely so you can establish residency. International student/Out of state tuition rates are almost 2/3/4 times of what you'd pay if you actually lived in the area you were going to school in. But free education is not a reasonable possiblity. Not unless you have excellent academic skills and can get a full ride, most people wind up having to take out loans.
2 :
You first need to specify what kind of dance schools you're interested in. There are dance studios where just dancing is taught and no certificate or degree is given, and there are dance programs at colleges and universities. Colleges and universities DO give out full scholarships to foreign students, but you'd have to either be an amazingly talented dancer or very brilliant in your academic studies. That said, no college or university is going to award a talent scholarship based on hiphop dance training. It is not a recognized style in college dance programs except as part of some jazz classes (if any). If you're interested in attending university to study dance, you would need to research which ones you're mostly interested in, as their programs vary significantly, and then contact their international students office to ask about how to apply for scholarships. Prospective dance applicants will always have to submit a video, but to get a dance scholarship, it is very hard to get one without auditioning in person. The EDGE Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles is one of the biggest dance studios in the US for hiphop. They do give out full scholarships, but I've only heard of this done through competitions that are held around the U.S., or at their own building. Broadway Dance Center in NYC, which also offers hiphop, is similar. However, both cities are very expensive places to live and since you'd be a foreign student who doesn't have a green card, you wouldn't be able to work to support yourself. Rigo obviously does not understand how U.S. immigration policies work, so please don't listen to him. Your best bet to train in hiphop in the U.S. would be to find any college that is located near the EDGE studio to give you a full scholarship in whatever academic subjects they offer (for example, Business) so that you can enter the U.S. on a student visa, and then audition at the EDGE for their work/study program. Foreign students are allowed to do work/study programs. Of course, you'd also have to keep up in your studies at the college or risk being deported.
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