Friday, August 24, 2012

How's a regullar school day in the USA

How's a regullar school day in the USA??
describe a regullar school day (if you're in high school or college) please :) PS: i need it for my essay
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
im in college and for me its barely wake up to go to class then as soon as class is over rush back to my dorm to sleep more, then do nothing for the rest of the day except hang out and play video games. But theres always an occasional cram session.
2 :
Well, in high school it was dreaming of skipping school. In college it started as going out of the habit of going to class, then it evolved into going because I am paying for it. now after I have earned two Associates degrees, and I am working towards by bachelors, it's getting fun, because I am done with general education and am now taking classes that I really find interesting and use-full, instead of feeling like I am wasting my time.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

In your opinion, which medical school in the USA is the best

In your opinion, which medical school in the USA is the best?

Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Stanford or Harvard.
2 :
Johns Hopkins is generally considered the best, followed by Harvard, UPenn, Columbia, and U of Washington at St. Louis.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

do i have to have a high school diploma (of USA) to enter university/college in the USA

do i have to have a high school diploma (of USA) to enter university/college in the USA?
i graduated high school in my country (vietnam) a few months ago and had a diploma
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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1 :
If you have a diploma from your country you do not need to get another one in the U.S. You can use the one you have to attend colleges or universities here in the U.S.
2 :
you would have to contact the school your interested in attending. Some may allow it other might not. Every college has its own entrance guidelines. good luck
3 :
You do not need a high school diploma to go to university here. You just need to qualify on the necessary entrance exams.
4 :
No, you do not need one. But if your first language is not english you will have to take an english proficiency test. Also, you will haveto take a placement test in science and english....which is only to see in which math or english class you belong. If you are planning to attend a very competitive University, try taking the SAT and nailing it is not hard if you ar good in math, plus you can get scholarships based on your grades. Try contacting Vietnamese groups in the USA they can help you and guide you with everything, from immigration paperwork to searching for scholarships. Good luck!
5 :
You can have a High Diploma from any country that is certified by the country board of education on your transcripts, if the grading system is different from the USA it has to be translated and notarized.
6 :
as long as you have a diploma from a highschool in your home country, you can legally attend an american university. the school's main concern will be your grades of course, but also any problems you might encounter in getting a student visa. please make sure you are eligible to enter the united states for study before applying. your school should help you with getting the appropriate paperwork. good luck~~

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What are the TOP film schools in USA

What are the TOP film schools in USA?
What are the best film schools with good reputations in the USA?
Other - Education - 5 Answers
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I'd assume Full Sail would be up there.
2 :
I know both UCLA and USC have good film schools. They are both close to Hollywood.
3 :
NY Film School...then there is another one that Macauly Culkin was in as well as Jenna Malone-cannot recall the name of it though.
4 :
Vancouver Film School. I'd say that ones' waaay up there. Check out some of the student reels that come out of that school.
5 :
NYU, USC, UCLA, and Brooks Institute
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