Friday, August 24, 2012

How's a regullar school day in the USA

How's a regullar school day in the USA??
describe a regullar school day (if you're in high school or college) please :) PS: i need it for my essay
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
im in college and for me its barely wake up to go to class then as soon as class is over rush back to my dorm to sleep more, then do nothing for the rest of the day except hang out and play video games. But theres always an occasional cram session.
2 :
Well, in high school it was dreaming of skipping school. In college it started as going out of the habit of going to class, then it evolved into going because I am paying for it. now after I have earned two Associates degrees, and I am working towards by bachelors, it's getting fun, because I am done with general education and am now taking classes that I really find interesting and use-full, instead of feeling like I am wasting my time.
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