Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What are the TOP film schools in USA

What are the TOP film schools in USA?
What are the best film schools with good reputations in the USA?
Other - Education - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'd assume Full Sail would be up there.
2 :
I know both UCLA and USC have good film schools. They are both close to Hollywood.
3 :
NY Film School...then there is another one that Macauly Culkin was in as well as Jenna Malone-cannot recall the name of it though.
4 :
Vancouver Film School. I'd say that ones' waaay up there. Check out some of the student reels that come out of that school.
5 :
NYU, USC, UCLA, and Brooks Institute
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