Monday, September 24, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
It may be part of the graduation requirement depending on the district. I would check with local administrators. Also, I would not be concerned. More than likely these classes are introductory and you need no prior knowledge in the subject to do well. These classes are supposed to teach you the basics and it will be very helpful to your future. Good Luck!
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