Monday, February 8, 2010

Canadians going to the USA for school

Canadians going to the USA for school?
Alright so since I'm Canadian do I still need an F1 visa? or no? like what visa's or what do i need in general to go to school in the USA(Florida)
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
probably be easiest to just fly to Mexico and swim across the Rio Grande, change your name to something sort of common too people (________) like you that respect law are the first ones to be removed for visa violations meanwhile if you come here illegally from Mexico the only way you can be deported is if you commit a violent crime, just a suggestion if you want to avoid the whole legality of being here issue and saving a lot of time and money
2 :
Yes, you need an F1 visa to come study in the US. Just the same as any other foreign student.
3 :
A visa is not required but you need a form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility from the school. For entry as a student you need to have that form and evidence that you can attend school full time without employment in the US.
4 :
If you are going with your parents and one of them has a TN visa and you get a TD, then you can go to US high school for free. But you still need the F-1 for college. For college you need to be accepted by a US school and they will get the F-1 for you. Also be aware that it costs about $30,000 a year to go to college in the USA. And you cannot work in the US to try to earn any of it. I find the low cost, like only $10,000 is for in state students. You do not get it that cheap as an international student. However you can get Canadian student loans for much of the cost in the US and that counts as income for the F-1.
5 :
you will need a study permit to attend college in USA. if you are attending HIGH SCHOOL you can only attend HS in USA for 1 year!!!!! You will need a temporary guardian for that one year. And PROBABLY a study permit as well.

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