Monday, February 1, 2010

a question about evangelical christians and school

a question about evangelical christians and school?
is that true some evangelical parents don't like to send their children to the public schools in USA why? is there something in the Bible that support this? which christian denominations support this way?
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
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1 :
yes some do homeschooling due to the violence nowadays.
2 :
Yes, it's true. Because they are afraid if their children learn science and facts, they'll realize how silly their religion is, and leave it. No, there's nothing in the bible that supports that -- there were no public schools in "bible times." Peace.
3 :
And, many non-Christian parents send their children to Christian schools, for the higher quality of education and the far better behavioral control.
4 :
Yes but it is because these evangelical christians want pubic schools to have Christian prayers said at the start of each class as well as Christian bible classes. Science course are removed and replaced with (god did it) and how creationism is based on facts.
5 :
As a Christian in the USA, I'm completely opposed to any Christian letting their kids go to Public/Private Schools. I believe we should all teach our kids at home. Biblically, God commands us to raise our Children in the way they must go. In other words, the parents should be teaching their children about God and the world around us. The public and most private schools are very secular. They teach an anti-God view. It's not because God doesn't exist, He does. It's because the people who control the schools don't want our children to be able to think on their own and know anything about God. What I just said may seem silly, but the many public school children I know don't have critical thinking skills what-so-ever. Where I live, the public schools are considered to be very good. However, most of these kids only receive indoctrination and no applicable education. The claim against home-schooled children is that they are being indoctrinated with religious lies; thus, they don't receive a viable education. While many criticisms exist against homeschooling, all of them fall flat on their face once the facts are given. Generally speaking, home-schooled children consistently score higher than the average public school child. Most of them actually receive a broader education as well. In fact, what most people don't know is that the 7th and 8th grades are a complete waste of time. So, if you hear that a homeschooler graduated 2 years early, this is usually why. The 7th and 8th grades are remedial grades which are designed to help people who did poorly in grade school (1st-6th grade) so that they would be accepted to high school (used to be collage level). I could go on and on, but I think my point is clear. Most of the design within the public school systems only perpetuate the production of a mindless-servant-class who rely on the government to get by. The idea of compulsory public education started with Hitler. He wanted the minds while they were young and he wanted them at an earlier age. Where do you think the term 'Kindergarten' comes from. Hitler wanted these minds of the children while they were young so that he could mold them into what he wanted. That's the modern day purpose of public schools. It's not to help the poorly educated give an education to their children, it's to keep everyone poorly educated. Biblically speaking, God charges me to protect my children, so I will. He wants me to keep their minds off of worldly things and focus on Godly things. He wants my children to know Him personally. They won't get that in public school. While the public school brain-washing can be undone, it usually takes a long time. I went to public schools, so I know what I'm keeping my children from. I hated public school because the very thought of questioning the status quo was a great sin. Thinking that the Bible is fact, was wrong. Thinking that the ideas not taught in school could be useful, was wrong. It's amazing how all of the criticisms against homeschooling actually stick to public-schoolers better. Many Christians of all denominations are waking up to the fact that education is going down hill. The average high school grade from the 70's is better prepared for the world than someone who is about to graduate from high school today. What's also amazing is that most people with a collage degree couldn't pass a 9th grade test from the mid-1800's. There's so much knowledge we have today compared to then, yet the average person today knows less than the average person back then. I'm not against science. I am against pseudo-sciences like evolution, and other proven false-hoods which are perpetuated by the state. I don't care about getting prayers in school, however, I do think it's strange how a child can be suspended for praying over his lunch before he eats it. (Yes, I have a little brother who was suspended over this. He was only 8 years old at the time.) Public schools are just glorified child daycare, run by the state so that the children grow up thinking they need the state. Only if your parents take the time to undo the brain-washing is your mind able to see this. Even today, I find out about the lies I was forced to believe when I was a kid. I remember being told that the sky would be brown, not blue, by the time I was an adult. Over 20 years later, and nothing has been done about the pollution in this country, yet, our skies aren't the least bit brown. I remember many other lies like this. All they did was spend time scaring us into a mindset which required you to rely upon the government to do all the good. What's more amazing is that really, government wants to be God. That's their goal. Public schools are the tool they use to get it done. They need a public which will just give them power. My vote is for freedom. The only source of freedom is God, and the power of the Bible. That is what our founding fathers used to free us from tyranny... and we definitely need it again today.
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