Friday, July 24, 2009

How do German high school students view the USA and whats there view on us in IRAQ

How do German high school students view the USA and whats there view on us in IRAQ?

Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
i had an exchange student awhile back and when she left she said and i quote "i hate America you are all pigs" but i think she was mad cause people kept flirting with her and bugging her in classes as to Iraq she never said anything
2 :
idk, but i think we should stay there and finish off those terrorists.
3 :
First of: research "German school system". There are three types of "high school" in germany. Hauptschule, which goes up to ninth grade, or jsut up to when people are 16. than there's Realschule, which goes up to tenth grade, so up to when people are 17. And than there's Gymnasium, which used to go up to 13th grade, now will go up only to 12th grade. Hauptschule enables kids to go into apprenticeships, but not even for all apprenticeships out there. Plus, they are not really taken on for many apprenticeships that they would legally be qualified for. Realschule enables kids to go into every apprenticeship programm, though even they are not accepted for some types of jobs, the employers basically simply wanting higher trained people (has to do with computerization and rising technical standards in the jobs). With Gymnasium, kids can go on to University, or they can go into really every apprenticeship they want. As you can see, the type and quality of education those three school types provide is very different. Hauptschul-kids largely don't really care whatsoever you are doing wherever you are doing it. Realschul-kids do have a little wider horizon, but even they basically are not really interested in your foreign policy. They have enough to do with getting ready for getting an appretniceship, and the basic history and social studies and computer skills lab and English as a foreign language and German classes and ethics and maths and physics and Chemistry and so on. Kids on Gymnasium have a couple of more years to think and be informed about stuff like that. Usually, foreign politics are discussed in social sciences, foreign language classes (in this case: English), politics classes, history classes. Basically, I'd say if they care about the stuff you mentioned: Their view of the US differes nationwide, depending on if they live close to US bases in Germany or not. Your being in Iraq is your thing, but you bombed your way in there largely on a scam (there was no way the US coud have found out that 9/11 was planned, funded or whatever in Iraq, and if so, not by the whole country! And there were no mass destruction weapons!), Germany told you it thought you were acting irrationally fast and irresponsible, with insupportable harshness, and we were not going in there besides you on that ill-founded information you provided, and than after you had gone on with your plan of action, you came to us begging us to help you pay for the damage you had done and help the poor people in Afghanistan and Iraq. Think again! You wanted to break it, we told you you were being s.t.u.p.i.d, you broke it, and than you come to us and want us to fix it. Not going to happen! Stop acting like a child. I know 9/11 was horrible, and you are loosing a hell of a lot of great people down there, but stop blaming that on lack of support from other countries, acting as if the US were the brave heroes of the world and everybody else are just sissies. Everybody else is just asking questions and think before we act. After all, wasn't that what everybody told us Germans we needed to learn, after WW2? Now that we do, you don't like it either, cause we're not on your side and "it isn't fair". Yeah, well, suck it up! That, basically, is the predominant opinion of Germans per se about the US and their wars. And that, predominantly, is what kids get put into them in school, too. Which, of course, is also questionable, as they think they are thinking those things themselves, when it really is just the opinion of theri teachers and parents put into them. IT is just such a nice, reasonable sounding opinion that it is easy to say it is well founded. And about exchange students telling you she doesn't liek the US because "you are all pigs": Well, a fine job you have done representing your country, haven't you? Maybe it's time you all had a look in the mirror!
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

what do i have to do to swich from high school in the usa to a japanese school

what do i have to do to swich from high school in the usa to a japanese school?

Japan - 5 Answers
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1 :
always when you change schools, you want to make sure you can transfer as much credits as you can even if you are going to Japan. another thing is you might have to take a entrace exam to get in to Japanese high school. each high school has different level such as smart school or average school etc...
2 :
Why would you want to do that? Do you want to study more, attend "cram school" on weekends and evenings, and wear uniforms to school? How's your Japanese? All classes are held in Japanese...well, except language classes...and they are difficult even if your skills are those of a native speaker. At graduation, the typical high school student will know some 1500 - 2000 Kanji characters, know the hiragana and katagana alphabets, and know the english alphabet. Then, there's math and science. Conservatively, a Japanese high school student's knowledge compares well with a typical U.S. college sophomore.
3 :
I don't know. Switch countries.
4 :
You will need your parents' permission and their presence in Japan, the Japanese school's permission, money for tuition (yes, you have to pay!) and a good understanding of written and spoken Japanese. Most schools will not even deal with students who cannot speak and read Japanese fluently, except those who come on an official exchange program. There are special high schools in Tokyo that accept returnees (Japanese children who have been abroad), so they will not disturb their regular area high schools.
5 :
I actually transferred Jr high school, so I'm thinking it's pretty much the same thing. You will need to take part in an entrance exam. The requirements differ for each school, so check with the school you are considering to make sure you meet all the requirements. You will need a copy of your grades (I had to turn in from grade school onwards), and pay the exam fee. It will also be good if you are fluent in Japanese, as there will probably be some kind of exam in Japanese. (I had written as well as an interview) But this is all in the case of transferring to a private junior high school. Since it is not considered mandatory to attend high school in Japan, please note that some kind of tuition will be needed even if you decide to attend public school. Good luck!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where can I find the best school for Biomedical Engineering in USA

Where can I find the best school for Biomedical Engineering in USA?
I am a graduate of Electronic Engineering and I want to pursue a new course which is Biomedical Engineering. I am planning to get it in US. So, I want to know which school is the best school for Biomedical and how much cost can we get. pls.... help me...
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
I assume you are looking at master's degree programs. As a degreed engineer, you are qualified to try for admission to biomedical engineering as a graduate program. According to many rankings lists, and to me, who used to employ biomedical engineers, the best biomedical engineering schools in the US would include: - Johns Hopkins - Georgia Institute of Tech - U Washington - Case Western - U Cal San Diego - Duke - Boston University - U Michigan Ann Arbor - U Pennsylvania - MIT - Rice With Johns Hopkins being the strongest.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If I said that less than half the black population in the USA graduated high school, would I be racist

If I said that less than half the black population in the USA graduated high school, would I be racist?
or pointing out a very true fact? My motive for pointing this out is to prove that most people will associate anything negative about blacks to be racist.
Polls & Surveys - 7 Answers
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1 :
What's with all the negative comments about black people today? This is ridiculous.. ಠ_à²
2 :
No, you would just be intelligent.
3 :
That depends. For what purpose are you pointing this out? What's your motive?
4 :
If it's a true statistic, then no. Facts are facts.
5 :
not really your just stating facts
6 :
I asked my husband (whom happened to be black) and he said that it depends how you use it. He also said that it was true. Im married to a black man and I often say before I think and It can be very awkward sometimes when I say things like this but he also knows that Im not saying it aginst him just pointing out facts.
7 :
.You are because why does it bother you, worry about yourself. You should be happy that is not you, and you know what you are. Can you back up what you are saying, where are the links to these statistics? Have you literally looked up what you are saying? I doubt it Because you don't care, you just want to look down on people. So, it makes you look like a bigot. Look at your question...some white people have no common sense sometimes, and the things that come out your mouth and you are suppose to be intelligent; people just cant believe or won't believe that you are in fact that stupid and ignorant, that the only thing they know to call it is racist. But they do not realize that you are just dumb-minded. And don't know any better, but I would not expect anything less. Look at your kids, bullies and harassers

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