Friday, April 1, 2011

which are the best design schools in USA

which are the best design schools in USA?
I want to do masters in design branches like Advertising, graphic design or visual communication/ interaction design, etc. I want to know which are the top rated schools for graduation in these programs. Also i will like to know which will be the best course to opt for?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. My daughter just graduated from there (4 years) with a Fine Arts degree - Major Interior Design. Great school, especially if you want to go into animation, as Disney loves to hire Ringling students. Very expensive (about 11k a semester), but definitely worth it! The college's technology is over and above all other design schools. Check it out and good luck!
2 :
The top ranked MFA programs in graphic design, etc. are: - Rhode Island School of Design - Yale - Cranbrook Academy - Art Center College of Design - Virginia Commonwealth U - Carnegie Mellon U - North Carolina State U - U Illinois Urbana Champaign - Pratt Institute - School of Visual Arts Those are the elite. Very strong reputations in the fields you list. Other schools with very good programs, specifically in interactive, include: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, California Institute of the Arts, UCLA, New York University, UC San Diego, and Rensselaer Polytechnic. You can't go wrong with those schools. Really, really great reps in the fields you list.
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