Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Which is the most popular sport by school children in USA; MMA or soccer

Which is the most popular sport by school children in USA; MMA or soccer?

Other - Sports - 2 Answers
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What age do you mean by school children? But I would say soccer. MMA is definately more interesting though. If you're trying to decide on something, go for MMA.
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Monday, May 16, 2011

What's the easiest, cheapest law school in the USA

What's the easiest, cheapest law school in the USA?
PELOS P, Have you ever been in court? It's amazing that they even need a degree at all to do what they do.
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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Cooley School of Law--Lansing, Michigan
2 :
sh!t i would not want you as my lawyer
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why would you want to go to the easiest law school, the law profession is one of those jobs where they hire you partly on what school you go to.
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hell no lol go to europe, oh wait, then u can only be in law in england lol at least u finish in 3 years frather than 4! aha!
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go to jail and write your own appeal! Works for lots of folks! Seriously, you don't want easy. Would you want a doctor operating on you who went to the "easiest medical school"? I wouldn't think so...so why is law any different?
6 :
Any law school that offers online courses is definitely "cheap." Pay the money, pal, the rewards outweight the negatives. If you ever want to work for a reputable firm, you'll pay the money.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

what is the second best school in the usa

what is the second best school in the usa?
i wanted to see te ranking of my school white station middle school so i know if i made it into a good school or not cause some of my friends are not as smart as me
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Your question and the explanation of it does not match. You ask about the second best middle school and then about your school./ You can look up your school in the sites below.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Does someone know how long does it take to complete medicine study in USA ater finishing High School

Does someone know how long does it take to complete medicine study in USA ater finishing High School?
It would be great if someone could tell me the procedure to follow for filing application?difference between pre med and med school?good state schools to study medicine...etc
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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8 years. Plus 4 years of under paid residency. (4 years of undergraduate to get your bachelors, then another 4 years actually in medical school, then another 4 years as a residency where you get alot of crap and only a little money) Pre med is usually a semester or a year of courses that get you ready for medical school but do NOT count toward your graduation requirement. As for good schools, I would check out the web rankings for the specific field you want to go into.
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pre med can be a major, but i wouldnt recommend it. you have to take specific classes that are required but beyond that, you can major in anything. the classes usually are 1 year of chemistry and one year of organic chemistry each with a lab, 1 year of biology with lab, one year of physics, some math and some writing classes. if you are set on med school, you can apply to a 7 year bs/md where you get to skip one year of school.

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