PELOS P, Have you ever been in court? It's amazing that they even need a degree at all to do what they do.
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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1 :
Cooley School of Law--Lansing, Michigan
2 :
sh!t i would not want you as my lawyer
3 :
why would you want to go to the easiest law school, the law profession is one of those jobs where they hire you partly on what school you go to.
4 :
hell no lol go to europe, oh wait, then u can only be in law in england lol at least u finish in 3 years frather than 4! aha!
5 :
go to jail and write your own appeal! Works for lots of folks! Seriously, you don't want easy. Would you want a doctor operating on you who went to the "easiest medical school"? I wouldn't think why is law any different?
6 :
Any law school that offers online courses is definitely "cheap." Pay the money, pal, the rewards outweight the negatives. If you ever want to work for a reputable firm, you'll pay the money.
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