Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is there a minimum age in USA to get a High School Diploma or to be in senior year

Is there a minimum age in USA to get a High School Diploma or to be in senior year?
Is there something like a age restriction for getting a high school diploma or to be in the senior year? I am an exchange student. and everyone is saying i can't graduate from there because i am young.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No as long as you have all of the required credits completed, you should be able to graduate : )
2 :
You need to have all the required credits in order to graduate. Pass all your classes and you should be fine :).
3 :
You said you are young but you did not say how old you are. However, there is no minimum age to obtain a high school diploma but if a person is quite young parental approval might be needed. Just to be sure the student can handle to work, the pressure of other students and so forth. I knew a kid who at fourteen was a college freshman. He however was very immature and did not know how to act around kids his age. He ended up going back to high school because he missed having a normal life. It is great to want to succeed. But, there are problems I have with getting a high school diploma when somebody is younger than 16. If the person does not go to college there are not many jobs they can do because the person still is a minor. I am a college senior and I plan on graduating in December 2009 and I don't want to rush life. Enjoy what you have now. I was an exchange student and I know what it is like. Going back to your country everyone wants to know what you did and there is a certain sense of pride involved. If you really want to graduate early then go for it. Nothing should stop you from your dreams.
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