Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why is it that most school shootings happen in the USA?

Why is it that most school shootings happen in the USA?
I studied in american schools for a long time. One thing that I can say about them regarding this topic, is that there is too much segregation. Maybe this is one of the factors. What do you think? The access of guns is clearly a cause. But, I want more causes.
Primary & Secondary Education - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think that the most school shootings happen in the U.S.A. per-say but it is that they are the most publicized, also the amount of guns that are relatively easily available to youth could also attribute to the amount of gun violence in the U.S.
2 :
Most shootings happens in so called gun free zones, where citizens (except for mads attracted by the "fish in the barrel" scenario) are not allowed to carry with them the tools to protect themselves fairly. Unfortunately, those crimes happens often also in the EU, probably because most of people involved in that kind of crime is seeking for maximum publicity and EU and USA media are OK for giving they the coverage they are looking for...
3 :
I think it has to do with some many parents working and being so busy making ends meat that we often depend on others to raise our children. There is just not enough time in the day to work full time, spend time with kids, really listening to them and being there for them . It seems the loneliest kids are the ones that turn on us. I really think that if more moms could stay home with kids that things would be better for our US families. I know that many people may not agree , but it is my opinion. It is also my wish for my children.
4 :
Could it be that guns are readly available in the US ?
5 :
Because you are allowed to buy guns and can go around shooting anyone you like. In other countries this is not allowed. In the UK it is illegal to own handguns. People can own shotguns, but they have to have licenses for them and keep them locked up and stuff. Mostly they are owned by people in the country. Hardly anybody in towns owns a gun, and we don't have many shooting shere. Of course, sometimes a nutter manages to get hold of one, but it isn't as easy to do here as it is in the USA. And I think the same goes for most countries.
6 :
As a British observer, i think the answer is obvious. Even though someone said that most were committed in gun free zones, America must end it's love of the gun !!!! I understand about in the past and colonising a new country that it was dangerous and people needed to be armed but that was eons ago. This is the 21st century and if you must change your constitution to make your country safer for everyone then do so. Until you change this then nothing can ever be really done because people just quote the right to bear arms !
7 :
The easy access to guns is the biggest cause. I know that some people will eventually cite 'taking god out of the schools' as a cause for school shootings, but if you actually look at the statistics, school violence has gone DOWN since the 80's - when we stopped forcing kids to pray in school.
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