Thursday, September 1, 2011

when does a new school year start in USA

when does a new school year start in USA?

Other - Education - 42 Answers
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1 :
right after labor day
2 :
For me the 9th of Aug... in NC of Ashe County why
3 :
Schools here (TN) have already started, the year round schools anyway. Regular schools start back on August 14.
4 :
Usually middle to late August or early September.
5 :
Sometime soon. In August - September. Mine starts August 24th I think.
6 :
it depends on which state you live in
7 :
my school starts Aug. 7
8 :
it is different from state to state but usually between the first week in August to the second week in September
9 :
Late August or Early September
10 :
usally around august14
11 :
it varies from place to place, but most schools in the united states start around mid to late august.
12 :
It actually varies widely with classes starting anywhere from early August to mid-September - just depends on where you go to school.
13 :
it's different for every state in WI it's september 1st.
14 :
all school districts differ
15 :
Every school system is slightly different. In general, a new school year begins just before the start of fall, either at the end of August or beginning of September. This applies to the vast majority of public and private grade schools, as well as colleges and universities (although there are also some classes that are held over the summer).
16 :
they differ, but most start september 3rd
17 :
It depends. There are some districts who have school all year long. But usually in August.
18 :
it depends what state. but it's around mid-august or early september I think
19 :
Some schools start in the middle of August and others wait until right after labor day. It just depends on the school district.
20 :
anywhere from june 1st to october 31st or earlier or later depending on the school you attend.
21 :
it differs by what each individual town chooses to do
22 :
Each school district starts at a time of their choosing. Some start as early as Aug, some in September. Some are all year schools and do not take summer break.
23 :
my kids start back in August. the last week.
24 :
It's generally in August--dates vary. Mine's the 28th. Some schools even start in September.
25 :
In September
26 :
it depends on the state in new york they start the first week of september, in florida they start the first week of august
27 :
in ky everyone is sister's sister in law starts back wednesday and mine starts back on the 9 th.
28 :
depends because when i lived in louisiana, it started on august 16. but now i live in california and it starts like in september.
29 :
Last Wednesday in August for grade school and last Monday in August for college classes in our part of Ohio.
30 :
Aug. 21 & Aug. 28.
31 :
im outa school, so i don't realy care. SORRY
32 :
many states and cities may start at different times. like i live in florida, and we go back at august 13...or ONE of those days. i'm not really sure what time we go back, but i DO know that many different cities and states start at different times.
33 :
Are you referring to high school, college, middle school or elementary? Traditional schools do start the day after labor day for elementary but do vary some and sometimes start the week before. Colleges start in late august and high schools start in Aug/Sept. If you want to know when your school starts check to see if they have a website or call the school. Hope this helps. :-)
34 :
Each state gets to make that decision. In Virginia it starts the day after Labor Day. They've tried to make it earlier but because Virginia relies so much on tourism, they have to have all the students who work at the beaches, Busch Gardens, etc. be available for that last big weekend of the season.
35 :
end of Aug and begining of september.... it matters where you live.
36 :
Depends on the school district.
37 :
Depends on the state. Up north it's usually after labor down. In the south it's usually the 1st or 2nd week of August.
38 :
generally early September, but some schools start in mid august, and some in late September.
39 :
depends on the town....last year and many years before that it was the end of August once on my birthday...yuck... but they are finally realizing again it is stupid to start before labor it's Sept 5 this year
40 :
it depends on where you live. most of the southern schools start anywhere in august, but most of the northern schools go back the beginning of september. i go back on the 7th of september, but my best friend (who lives in north carolina) should be back in school before the month is over!!!
41 :
when the dead assed public school teachers get done with their three month paid vacation full time pay and benefits--part time soon as they get back they'll start taking their paid vacation days off and sick days and start crying that they are underpaid and overworked and need smaller class sizes and new school and more $$$$ and more benefits. If their democratic buddes don't give it to them like they usually do, then they go on an illegal strike and hold our kids educations as hostage. I say do what Regan did to the air traffic controllers and FIRE ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS AND HIRE NEW NON UNION TEACHERS.
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