Friday, June 8, 2012

When school year end in USA

When school year end in USA?
I know it depends on the state,I'm particularly interested on North Carolina and Pennsylvania. I'm planning my wedding for next June, and both my fiancé and I have relatives (cousins and siblings) in school age (high school and elementary) that have to travel overseas to our wedding. Any help would be greatly apreciated I don't know if it varies from year to year, but obviously my interest is the 2009-2010 school year.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Late may or Early june
2 :
Most schools end in late May through mid June. However, there are some year-round schools that have different schedules, breaking up the three-month summer vacation into one month in July, one in December, and one in April. Check with them to see EXACTLY when they have no school.
3 :
Find out what school they go to, or what school district they are in, or what city they go to school in and slap it into google with the phrase "academic calendar" you will find out exactly when they are out of school. For example in the Philadelphia school district the let out students on June 17th. Other than that a general June 12-15 or so for Pennsylvania (have to count snow days) and maybe a little earlier for N. Carolina

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