Monday, July 16, 2012

How does the school class system work in the usa and uk

How does the school class system work in the usa and uk?
Is one placed in a certain class based on your age based upon calendar year, or is the age counted from school start or some other date and shit. By the way this question was formulated in a fucked up weird ass amphibous dolphin excagerated long kind of way, so kan ju he(l)p mi sey it in æ simp(l)e(r) way?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
If you left out all that junk I would have given you a good answer, but I think you are just a troll.
2 :
Don't know about the usa. In the uk, the deciding date for which school year/form you are in, is calculated from lst September to 31st August in any school year. So if you were born, for example, on 30th August 1995 and your friend was born on 5th September 1995, you would be in the school year above him. It's based entirely on when you were born, not on academic ability (or lack of it!)
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