Monday, September 24, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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It may be part of the graduation requirement depending on the district. I would check with local administrators. Also, I would not be concerned. More than likely these classes are introductory and you need no prior knowledge in the subject to do well. These classes are supposed to teach you the basics and it will be very helpful to your future. Good Luck!
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

From when to when is the school year in USA/England

From when to when is the school year in USA/England?

Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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In England the academic year runs from the first week in September till the middle of July. It's different in the US.
2 :
In the US, the school calendar usually is about 180 days of class. The particular calendar is set by the local school district or the county, and can vary considerably. In some places, classes start as early as the first week of August and end in mid May. Other places, class might start as late as the first week of September and continue thru late June.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

High school english books in the USA

High school english books in the USA ?
I need to know a list of books studied in high schools in the Usa
Books & Authors - 4 Answers
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9th grade: Catcher in the Rye, To Kill A Mockingbird (may be some more but I'm not sure, these are the only 2 I heard about) 10th grade: The Once and Future King, The Hobbit Sorry, that's all I've got. (I'm still a sophomore).
3 :
There are literally hundreds...thousands even. In America, not only can each state set it's own curriculum, but many districts, schools, and teachers can do the same when it comes to specifics. There are many commonly studied classics - Jany Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, Red Badge of Courage, Portrait of Dorian Gray, Animal Farm, etc, etc, etc - but I've also heard of classes studying Twilight, the Batman Returns graphic novel, or even Stephen King books. Many assignments even let kids pick any book they want to study, even if everyone else in the class are reading different books. What question are you actually trying to answer because it would be impossible to provide any comprehensive list.
4 :
Lord of the Flies Frankenstein Night To Kill a Mockingbird The Scarlet Letter Romeo and Juliet Caesar Oedipus Antigony Catcher in the Rye The Stranger Death of a Salesman
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Question about USA (Im going to study in USA in high school!)

Question about USA (Im going to study in USA in high school!)?
Im 16. I live in europe and I won an exam so Im going to study in the USA for a year in high school. They want to send me to a private school because I won a little scolarship. Anyway Im curious and I dont know anything about USA high school exept in the movies. I wanna study film making/drama & stuff about media. I want a good high school but not too strict. I want california because its hot and .. its great ;D So tell me your opinions please? Can I get in an agency in cali? is it easier? I wanna go to an ivy league university btw.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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California is a BIG place (driving from the southern border to the northern border would take about 15 hours going about 70mph). Where are you going to live? Southern California is where Hollywood is, and north of that, there is nothing interesting until you get to Sacramento/San Francisco, which is about 7 hours north. North of that, you've got mountains and snow and trees.
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