Monday, December 24, 2012

How to get into medical school straight from high school

How to get into medical school straight from high school?
Does anyone have any information on how to get into medical school in the USA) straight out of high school? What is this program called? Any specific schools that you know of out there? How do I begin researching them? I have no idea what to google to get information on them. Any advice from someone who has done this before?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would think that it is impossible to go straight to Med. school from High School. There are programs that let you do one less undergraduate year, but I have never heard of anyone skipping all undergraduate work.
2 :
Unless you're iq is 546 you can just forget about it.
3 :
You are probably thinking about the Combined Degree programs offered at 36 schools in the US; however, you do not go straight to medical school from high school. That does not occur in the US. A Combined Degree is an alliance between a medical school and an undergrad university. You complete three years at the university and if you have met all requirements, then enter the medical school. After completing the first year of medical school you are awarded your undergrad degree. I'll provide the link to the 36 schools that offer the Combined Degree programs.
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