Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is there a pre school in the USA which allows 30 students in a class with a single teacher

Is there a pre school in the USA which allows 30 students in a class with a single teacher?

Preschool - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are some!!!!!!!!!
2 :
I don't think so - against the law - and the license of the center
3 :
No. All pre-school calsses have to have at least teo teacher if there are more 15 students with-in the class even then I belive there has the a second teacher present.
4 :
There better not be!!! I don't know this for sure, but each state should have licensing standards in place that keep ratios in check. I would not recommend more than 22 5 year olds in a class, and as the age goes down, so should the ratio. If you are having a ratio issue, please search and find out your state's licensing standards, ask your director, and if she gives you flack about it, call licensing.
5 :
if their is then you need to report them to social services. every state has a teacher to student ratio. even thought the ratio differ from state to state, the highest that i have ever seen is 1-15. even though their are some times that a teacher will be left alone with a group of student (over the ratio limit) but it should only be for a short period of time, not all day.
6 :
It does happen on ocassion, but it is against the regulations. I worked for an afterschool program and I finally quit because they had me in a huge gymnasium with over 40 kids that are ages 5-12 all by myself. I thought I would flip out. To top it off many of them had Tourettes, ADD, ADHD, ticks, behavior problems. No Teacher should have to go thru that. If you do see any preschool like that then you need to report them
7 :
Every state has its own standards and not all programs are regulated. In NY, where I'm from, you are only regulated if you take care of three or more kids for 3 or more hours a day. Traditional nursery schools,or preschools, may chose to get registered with the state but they don't have to so nobody really keeps an eye on them. Scary! Check with the state where you are located, probably you need the Dept. of Social Services or State Ed.
8 :
yes there are a few
9 :
The most you will find in the country is 30 students with one teacher. The children have to over the age of 5 and have to be enrolled in kindergarten. I don't see any pre school director or teacher trying to take care of 30 young children alone. However if the children are napping in the same room then you will only need one teacher. That is the law pretty much throughout the country.
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