Thursday, December 1, 2011

could you tell me what is the mean by (1) High school, no degree (2) high school degree in USA.

could you tell me what is the mean by (1) High school, no degree (2) high school degree in USA.?
I learnt it from DV lottery 2009 application form on line . But I can't understand what is meant. How long do i need to study for geting "High school degree " and how long will I have to pass for completion " high school, no degree" in USA. I will be highly obliged if you describe and make me understand about it .
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
In the US, highschool is a four year term of education. All citizens are entitled to these four years of education "free". That is, the schools are supported by the local and state taxes, and the cost is borne by all property tax payers, not just the parents of the children attending public schools. If a student maintains at least a 2.0 GPA during all these classes, he will receive a highschool diploma, a paper which verifies his "degree". Grade Points are calculated for each test during the course, by dividing the number of points earned by right answers, by the total number of points possible in the test, and expressed as a percentage. Thus, if there were four questions, and you answered three right, your grade is 75. At the end of the course, the instructor adds up all your grades and averages them for your final grade. Your GPA is calculated from all the final grades each semester. Letter grades, A, B, C, D, and F, are also used. These are given based on percentages, also. 70% is the lowest passing grade, while 100% is a perfect score, all the answers right on Aa test. The thirty percentage points from 70 to 100 are divided by four, which is the number of the letter grades A, B, C, and D. So letter grade A is assigned for all percentages between 100 and 92 or 93, and B is assigned to percentages between 92 and 85, and so on. 69% is not a passing grade; the letter grade is F. For Grade Point averages, Letter grades are replaced with numerals 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. Calculations are made by multiplying all the credits earned by the grade numeral, and then the total is divided by the credits earned. GPA of 2.0 or 2.5 is considered within the reach of all students, and is therefore necessary to pass the course. Students in professional courses are required to maintain 3.0 to 3.5 GPA to remain in the program until it is completed. Use of "degree" is usually restricted to college diplomas. "Highschool, no degree" means that a student either failed to complete the full number of prescribed courses for a highschool diploma, and is no longer studying or attending classes. The same term is uses to indicate a person who is or is still studying and attending classes, but has not yet completed all the prescribed courses, because he is still young and in school.
2 :
You must have finished succesfully (passed) Primary and Secondary Schooling in any country, it is expected that you have studied for 12 years and passed the exam at the end. (your Govt's public exams). Then you can mark High School Degree as your education.

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