Thursday, March 8, 2012

Anyone know of a local association or training school in Los Angeles,USA

Anyone know of a local association or training school in Los Angeles,USA?
I used to do a lot of this, so i am looking for a new club.What can you say about this place and the organization also what about the facilities. Does it have more in training like a gym or jeet kune do classes?I want to perfect myself in this and so being active is the way to go.Thanks
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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Try these links, but be sure to hit your back button when done looking at each one: Martial arts: Weight training: Jeet kune do:;_ylt=A0oGkxO76XFIsmsA_oRXNyoA?p=Jeet+kun+do+in+Los+Angeles+california&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8 Hope this helps!
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