Monday, December 24, 2012

How to get into medical school straight from high school

How to get into medical school straight from high school?
Does anyone have any information on how to get into medical school in the USA) straight out of high school? What is this program called? Any specific schools that you know of out there? How do I begin researching them? I have no idea what to google to get information on them. Any advice from someone who has done this before?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
I would think that it is impossible to go straight to Med. school from High School. There are programs that let you do one less undergraduate year, but I have never heard of anyone skipping all undergraduate work.
2 :
Unless you're iq is 546 you can just forget about it.
3 :
You are probably thinking about the Combined Degree programs offered at 36 schools in the US; however, you do not go straight to medical school from high school. That does not occur in the US. A Combined Degree is an alliance between a medical school and an undergrad university. You complete three years at the university and if you have met all requirements, then enter the medical school. After completing the first year of medical school you are awarded your undergrad degree. I'll provide the link to the 36 schools that offer the Combined Degree programs.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is there a pre school in the USA which allows 30 students in a class with a single teacher

Is there a pre school in the USA which allows 30 students in a class with a single teacher?

Preschool - 9 Answers
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1 :
There are some!!!!!!!!!
2 :
I don't think so - against the law - and the license of the center
3 :
No. All pre-school calsses have to have at least teo teacher if there are more 15 students with-in the class even then I belive there has the a second teacher present.
4 :
There better not be!!! I don't know this for sure, but each state should have licensing standards in place that keep ratios in check. I would not recommend more than 22 5 year olds in a class, and as the age goes down, so should the ratio. If you are having a ratio issue, please search and find out your state's licensing standards, ask your director, and if she gives you flack about it, call licensing.
5 :
if their is then you need to report them to social services. every state has a teacher to student ratio. even thought the ratio differ from state to state, the highest that i have ever seen is 1-15. even though their are some times that a teacher will be left alone with a group of student (over the ratio limit) but it should only be for a short period of time, not all day.
6 :
It does happen on ocassion, but it is against the regulations. I worked for an afterschool program and I finally quit because they had me in a huge gymnasium with over 40 kids that are ages 5-12 all by myself. I thought I would flip out. To top it off many of them had Tourettes, ADD, ADHD, ticks, behavior problems. No Teacher should have to go thru that. If you do see any preschool like that then you need to report them
7 :
Every state has its own standards and not all programs are regulated. In NY, where I'm from, you are only regulated if you take care of three or more kids for 3 or more hours a day. Traditional nursery schools,or preschools, may chose to get registered with the state but they don't have to so nobody really keeps an eye on them. Scary! Check with the state where you are located, probably you need the Dept. of Social Services or State Ed.
8 :
yes there are a few
9 :
The most you will find in the country is 30 students with one teacher. The children have to over the age of 5 and have to be enrolled in kindergarten. I don't see any pre school director or teacher trying to take care of 30 young children alone. However if the children are napping in the same room then you will only need one teacher. That is the law pretty much throughout the country.
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Saturday, December 8, 2012

I want to ask a question about school system in USA.

I want to ask a question about school system in USA.?
Is there any good ideas from European schools that would be good to use in USA?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes, longer school day and longer school years./

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

what do kids wear in middle school (in the USA)

what do kids wear in middle school (in the USA)?
next school year is going to be the first year of public school and my mom says what i can and cant wear. so i want to know what do normal kids wear in public school?!?!?
Fashion & Accessories - 3 Answers
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1 :
hollister american eagle abercrombie and fitch metropark usa hot topic jeans, shirts, shorts, sandals, shoes.
2 :
Most Kids in My School wear Kinda skinny type jeans with holes or fringes in them.. With colorful shirts with a light jacket or a hoodie
3 :
dont worry about name brands just yet. jeans and t shirt usually.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Do most school kids in USA think that they are going to lose their virginity on prom night

Do most school kids in USA think that they are going to lose their virginity on prom night?
Y!A give the impression that alot do. also gives the impression that alot want to wait til marriage.
Polls & Surveys - 6 Answers
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Most of them will not. Most of them will be too drunk to even think about having intercourse.
2 :
I know I'm not going to. I'm waiting until I'm married :)
3 :
A lot lose their virginity before then sadly. I'm going to wait till I'm married.
4 :
Bah! They're all fools. And naive. Kids were cooler back in my day.
5 :
ha Nahh waiting till im married. =)
6 :
I lost mine way before prom! I don't know anyone who lost it on prom night or anyone who waited until they were married!

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Friday, November 16, 2012

what's the GPA required for an international student to get accepted in a pre medicine school in the USA

what's the GPA required for an international student to get accepted in a pre medicine school in the USA?
and how about the SAT score?
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
4.0 1600 good luck, mate.
2 :
3.75, not sure about the SAT.
3 :
4.0 & You will be reqired to write an entrance essay.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

In what months does school start and end in USA

In what months does school start and end in USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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well school usually starts in September and goes all the way to June.
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Ends in June/July Begins in August/September
3 :
Some schools will start in August or September and end in April, May, or June. It depends on the school system or college and how many teaching days are required, how many vacation days there are, etc.

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