Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hello! i'm italian!!!how works the school in USA? ADD ME!

Hello! i'm italian!!!how works the school in USA?
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
the skools in the us are VERY boring what about over there?
2 :
School, isn't to bad...I think the the system in Europe is better though.
3 :
Its not that bad. But we have a lot of pressure.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Whats the most horrible middle school in the USA

Whats the most horrible middle school in the USA?
I dunno im bored and wonderin :P
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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1 :
Well, besides the one I went to, Park Middle School, because it's initials are PMS.
2 :
one with no hot guys! lolz but really idk
3 :
the one i went too...but dont they all suck? i live in ohio if that tells ya anything lol....oh and lol @ pms
4 :
That question is impossible to answer. There is no 1 "most horrible" middle school.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i have done 3 years diploma in mechancal engg. after 10 th std.Is this equivalent to high school for usa addm

i have done 3 years diploma in mechancal engg. after 10 th std.Is this equivalent to high school for usa addmi

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
You have done three years "diploma" in university and you want to know if it equates to an American high school, if I have paraphrased properly. Based on my knowledge of high school level training, you are eons above any student in high school in the area of mechanical engineering.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

High school in USA

High school in USA?
are high schools in america like the ones in the movies with the bit**y gorgeous blonde popular cheerleaders and hot football players??
Other - Society & Culture - 8 Answers
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1 :
not always true, specially here in my school, we are all normal, it's very sad the way movies portray my country in a horrible way to the rest of the world, you need to be here to know.
2 :
no not at all once you get in high school everybody has their own group there is not as much who is popular and who is not like in 7th and 8th grade.
3 :
pretty much...yes! lol but way worse!
4 :
yes but they are a minority there are a lot more just average people
5 :
some of them. But movies tend to show only the most photogenic of examples. Cheerleaders are not always blonde, nor as "gorgeous" by limited Hollywood/magazine standards, nor are football players necessarily as attractive. Popular people are notnecessarily B**chy either. Also, smaller schools may not have football teams at all.
6 :
Yep, exactly. And the losers alwasys win in the end.
7 :
In the affluent areas yes. But most high schools are not like this. There a cliques and classes. There are goths and emos. Band nerds and the dorks. It is normal.
8 :
yep but much worse

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

can you recommend a good novel that is a) comic b) happens in the college/high school in USA ? c)popularwriter

can you recommend a good novel that is a) comic b) happens in the college/high school in USA ? c)popularwriter
i enjoyed the movie Harold and Kumar go to white castle and thought that I should check out on life of college kids who are carefree - the adult life seems to be too serious! (even movie recommendations are fine) i made a mistake... i meant a) comedy instead of "comic" or "comics" sorry for the misunderstanding Jason. i would however checkout some of the comics you suggested.. thx.
Comics & Animation - 1 Answers
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1 :
I got curious to about which titles which titles have a younger cast after reading your question... Looked at some of the comic companies and heres what i found (not sure though if all the writers would be considered popular though) All of these i believe have atleast a younger crowd cast: Marvel: Amazing Spider-Girl Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane New Warriors New X-Men Runaways Ultimate Spider-Man X-Men: First Class Loners (mini series) DC: Blue Beetle Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century Robin Supergirl Supergirl & the Legion of Super-Heroes Teen Titans Teen Titans GO! Vertigo: American Virgin Faker (mini) Wildstorm: Gen13 Image: Invincible

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Monday, November 16, 2009

i want to get a scholarship to a college in USA. where can I get it and which school is the best in USA

i want to get a scholarship to a college in USA. where can I get it and which school is the best in USA?
I'm living in Vietnam and I want to study in USA by scholarship.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
do a search in the internet about scholarships to the US in vietnam. See if Fulbright program includes u. That is a good one.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

best school in usa pls

best school in usa pls?

Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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2 :

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gay rights in schools (USA)

Gay rights in schools (USA) ??????
Schools in USA, do they promote "gay rights" and "anti-homophobia" I know in most states same sex marriage is illegal so would they promote "gay is okay" if they can't even get married by the law? I know in Canadian schools promote "gay rights" and "anti-homophobia" they have signs all over my school saying things like "homophobia free zone" I am not gay or homophobic, I am just started thinking about that when I read this question,
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
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1 :
No unlike Canada we value freedom of speech and expression so if people wanna be mean then let them be mean. If they wanna be nice then let them be nice.
2 :
well if it was up to me i would round up all these gays and give them all a good seeing to
3 :
Idk...all the homosexuals in the school I went to were afraid to come out. I dont know why. You could totally tell. That is only with gay dudes. I dont have any gaydar on lesbos tho. Most schools seem to promote antihomophobia but think how a teacher would respond if you came out with it.
4 :
my school has a couple flyer's like that. and there's like this club or something for homophobic's and homo pride or something
5 :
The US is insanely close minded about this stuff. Even if the staff at the schools all over the country wanted to enforce tolerance and such, most people would complain in the first place. I think it would be better if the US were more supportive of people who chose to live a different way but I guess being different means that you can never be happy or treated with respect. In truth, I hate the ignorance of this country. So in short, no. No homosexual tolerance in our schools due to close mindedness and ignorance!
6 :
If they do promote these things, they shouldn't. Our schools should be places of education, not indoctrination. You see, it isn't the job of the state to influence morality and this is exactly why I home schooled all three of my children. I did it to keep them away from the majority of liberally minded teachers so prevalent in our schools today. As a parent, I am the only person that has say in what my children believe and if I want to teach my children to hate gays, that is my business. If I want to teach them to love gays that is my business. Either way, the state has no place in it. As parents that is our responsibility alone.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

tell me free nursing school in USA

tell me free nursing school in USA?
i'm in sri lanka
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
I don't know how things work in sri lanka, but in America, nothing is free. Hence, there is no free nursing school, they all like to be paid for providing you with an education.
2 :
3 :
Let me tell you, nothing is free here, and especially not education. Education is extremely expensive.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

What are the best animation schools in USA

What are the best animation schools in USA?
My sister wants to do an animation course. She has done a bachelor in massmedia, with major in advertising. She wants to learn 3d animation.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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2 :
Brigham Young University has one of the best 3D Animation programs in the USA. They are constantly winning competitions and they produce some wonderful products. If you have any questions about the school then email me.
3 :
Im not sure if it is the best animation school but, in Florida, there is the DAVE school that is funded or supported by Universal Studios, I think. That is a 3d animation school. Its popular in FL. Google it!

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

i'm searching an actor/comedian school in USA

i'm searching an actor/comedian school in USA?

Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
Try the Senate and the House of Representatives, they are all comedians.
2 :
There are several branches of ComedySportz in the US. Besides live performances, they offer classes in improvizational comedy at various levels. Classes are also offered for organizational groups for team building and other goals.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

the oldest school in USA? the oldest college in USA

the oldest school in USA? the oldest college in USA?

Trivia - 3 Answers
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1 :
The oldest schools will be in Massachusettes, where we started all this nonsense. The oldest college is William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. Schools? Do you mean school house?
2 :
The University of Michigan was founded in 1817 as one of the oldest public universities History of Boston Latin School The first classes of the Boston Latin School were held in the homes of the Masters. About 1645 the first schoolhouse, as such, was erected on the north side of School Street,* on the rear of the site now occupied by King's Chapel. The Oldest Schoolhouse in America. A little old schoolhouse located on St. George Street in St. Augustine, FLA. Source
3 :
the school of native american culture- it's been there thousands of years.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do You Know Any Regulations For International Students Housing

Do You Know Any Regulations For International Students Housing?
I am an International student planning to further study in a boarding school USA. Do you have any idea if there's any special regulation that boarding school has to meet to have for my housing?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
hey!I also want to go to USA.where are you from?

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


such as the school season at a school in U.S. refieron me to holidays and when classes start For example here in Argentina from December to March are the holidays. classes from March to July. are no holidays in July and August to December classes Beyond the United States and is the school season in high school?
My Yahoo! - 1 Answers
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1 :
In the USA, school starts in August and ends in May. The rest of the year is summer vacation, when there is no school at all until it starts again in August. This can differ a little bit however, because in some states, schools start later or earlier than this, but the amount of time in school is the same. This schedule is for the majority of schools, not just high school.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What US School History Class Would U have to Take to learn about

What US School History Class Would U have to Take to learn about..?
what USA school class would u have to take in high school (9-12) to learn about the 3 musketeers in France.. or about pirates and how they sailed the seas and fought people and stuff?? ima freshman and im just wondering, cause American history is kinda sucky no offense :[
Teaching - 3 Answers
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1 :
The three musketeers are part of literature and pirates are a rather minor part of history, so it sounds like the class you are looking for would be pop history (which isn't taught). If you're talking about history of the world other than the US, that is generally the Freshman year. American history does have some dull bits, but so does the rest of the world; the difference is that most of the rest of the world has had a longer time to develop more good parts.
2 :
What she said ^^ except that here in Kentucky world history (world civ) is taught at the sophomore year.
3 :
Well no US history class is going to teach you about fictional French people. I doubt there are any US History classes that will teach you much about pirates since by the time of Colonial America pirate life had died down a lot, and by the time of actual America it was near nonexistent. Pirates played a small part in early america. But American history does not suck. But no, it does not have much sword play. When the US was formed it guns had pretty much replaced swords. Cowboys, and Pioneers are the folk heroes of American life. Nearly ALL modern sci-fi is based in someway on American frontier life

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Anyone discern a good confederation or school in Glendale,USA

Anyone discern a good confederation or school in Glendale,USA?
I used to practice a great deal so i am sorting out a new club.What may perhaps you say about this sport and the organization and what facilities etcI require to get fit and stay healthy and so being full of zip is the channel to go
Fantasy Sports - 1 Answers
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1 :
This is fantasy sports.~~~~~~~~Good Luck!
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Can Serbians work and go to school in the USA and if so under what type of visa

Can Serbians work and go to school in the USA and if so under what type of visa?

Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
call uer consulate or the us consulate in uer area.
2 :
You can't do both at the same time. Either apply for a student visa (have to be accepted in a college/university first) or get a work visa (harder to do). after you graduate you could apply to get your status adjusted.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Which song should i sing for an educational fair

Which song should i sing for an educational fair?
hey there. at the end of january, there will be some kind of educational fair in our school. usa&canada universities are mostly participating. i will be taking a solo performance in the relaxing room. But I dont know what song to choose. It can be oldies, blues or some kind of broadway musical- and it should be known by everyone. help me please?
Performing Arts - 2 Answers
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1 :
i cant think of the name of it but it goes if you wanna be somebody and you wanna go somewhere you got to wake up and pay attention...
2 :
You probably won't find a song that EVERYONE knows, but I would think a well-known showtune would go over well. Something along the lines of Eidelweiss from the Sound of Music, or There Were Bells from The Music Man. Both are slow and mild, which I'd think would be good for a "relaxing room." Break a leg!
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is Accounting a subject in USA schools

Is Accounting a subject in USA schools?
Some countries don't teach Accounting in schools. Only secondary as part of a Math's class or as part of Business Studies, or so. Is it a stand alone subject in the USA? What is the course level in the schools?
Teaching - 4 Answers
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1 :
My daughter's high school has an accounting class. Most US colleges have a Accounting major. I haven't heard of it being taught as an independent class under the high school level.
2 :
I don't believe any state has a required class on accounting for secondary school students. However, some schools might offer an elective class (one not required for graduation but that the students can choose to take) on accounting. Normally, for students going to college, the high school math classes are algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, precalculus/trigonometry, and maybe calculus. Most colleges and universities in the US offer degrees in accounting.
3 :
in secondary its a stand alone
4 :
In high school, I took accounting. We had to take a certain amount of electives outside of our general requirements. I took 2 years of accounting. I'm studying to be a teacher. But, if I had to pick a different career, I might go into accounting.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

How do German high school students view the USA and whats there view on us in IRAQ

How do German high school students view the USA and whats there view on us in IRAQ?

Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
i had an exchange student awhile back and when she left she said and i quote "i hate America you are all pigs" but i think she was mad cause people kept flirting with her and bugging her in classes as to Iraq she never said anything
2 :
idk, but i think we should stay there and finish off those terrorists.
3 :
First of: research "German school system". There are three types of "high school" in germany. Hauptschule, which goes up to ninth grade, or jsut up to when people are 16. than there's Realschule, which goes up to tenth grade, so up to when people are 17. And than there's Gymnasium, which used to go up to 13th grade, now will go up only to 12th grade. Hauptschule enables kids to go into apprenticeships, but not even for all apprenticeships out there. Plus, they are not really taken on for many apprenticeships that they would legally be qualified for. Realschule enables kids to go into every apprenticeship programm, though even they are not accepted for some types of jobs, the employers basically simply wanting higher trained people (has to do with computerization and rising technical standards in the jobs). With Gymnasium, kids can go on to University, or they can go into really every apprenticeship they want. As you can see, the type and quality of education those three school types provide is very different. Hauptschul-kids largely don't really care whatsoever you are doing wherever you are doing it. Realschul-kids do have a little wider horizon, but even they basically are not really interested in your foreign policy. They have enough to do with getting ready for getting an appretniceship, and the basic history and social studies and computer skills lab and English as a foreign language and German classes and ethics and maths and physics and Chemistry and so on. Kids on Gymnasium have a couple of more years to think and be informed about stuff like that. Usually, foreign politics are discussed in social sciences, foreign language classes (in this case: English), politics classes, history classes. Basically, I'd say if they care about the stuff you mentioned: Their view of the US differes nationwide, depending on if they live close to US bases in Germany or not. Your being in Iraq is your thing, but you bombed your way in there largely on a scam (there was no way the US coud have found out that 9/11 was planned, funded or whatever in Iraq, and if so, not by the whole country! And there were no mass destruction weapons!), Germany told you it thought you were acting irrationally fast and irresponsible, with insupportable harshness, and we were not going in there besides you on that ill-founded information you provided, and than after you had gone on with your plan of action, you came to us begging us to help you pay for the damage you had done and help the poor people in Afghanistan and Iraq. Think again! You wanted to break it, we told you you were being s.t.u.p.i.d, you broke it, and than you come to us and want us to fix it. Not going to happen! Stop acting like a child. I know 9/11 was horrible, and you are loosing a hell of a lot of great people down there, but stop blaming that on lack of support from other countries, acting as if the US were the brave heroes of the world and everybody else are just sissies. Everybody else is just asking questions and think before we act. After all, wasn't that what everybody told us Germans we needed to learn, after WW2? Now that we do, you don't like it either, cause we're not on your side and "it isn't fair". Yeah, well, suck it up! That, basically, is the predominant opinion of Germans per se about the US and their wars. And that, predominantly, is what kids get put into them in school, too. Which, of course, is also questionable, as they think they are thinking those things themselves, when it really is just the opinion of theri teachers and parents put into them. IT is just such a nice, reasonable sounding opinion that it is easy to say it is well founded. And about exchange students telling you she doesn't liek the US because "you are all pigs": Well, a fine job you have done representing your country, haven't you? Maybe it's time you all had a look in the mirror!
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

what do i have to do to swich from high school in the usa to a japanese school

what do i have to do to swich from high school in the usa to a japanese school?

Japan - 5 Answers
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1 :
always when you change schools, you want to make sure you can transfer as much credits as you can even if you are going to Japan. another thing is you might have to take a entrace exam to get in to Japanese high school. each high school has different level such as smart school or average school etc...
2 :
Why would you want to do that? Do you want to study more, attend "cram school" on weekends and evenings, and wear uniforms to school? How's your Japanese? All classes are held in Japanese...well, except language classes...and they are difficult even if your skills are those of a native speaker. At graduation, the typical high school student will know some 1500 - 2000 Kanji characters, know the hiragana and katagana alphabets, and know the english alphabet. Then, there's math and science. Conservatively, a Japanese high school student's knowledge compares well with a typical U.S. college sophomore.
3 :
I don't know. Switch countries.
4 :
You will need your parents' permission and their presence in Japan, the Japanese school's permission, money for tuition (yes, you have to pay!) and a good understanding of written and spoken Japanese. Most schools will not even deal with students who cannot speak and read Japanese fluently, except those who come on an official exchange program. There are special high schools in Tokyo that accept returnees (Japanese children who have been abroad), so they will not disturb their regular area high schools.
5 :
I actually transferred Jr high school, so I'm thinking it's pretty much the same thing. You will need to take part in an entrance exam. The requirements differ for each school, so check with the school you are considering to make sure you meet all the requirements. You will need a copy of your grades (I had to turn in from grade school onwards), and pay the exam fee. It will also be good if you are fluent in Japanese, as there will probably be some kind of exam in Japanese. (I had written as well as an interview) But this is all in the case of transferring to a private junior high school. Since it is not considered mandatory to attend high school in Japan, please note that some kind of tuition will be needed even if you decide to attend public school. Good luck!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where can I find the best school for Biomedical Engineering in USA

Where can I find the best school for Biomedical Engineering in USA?
I am a graduate of Electronic Engineering and I want to pursue a new course which is Biomedical Engineering. I am planning to get it in US. So, I want to know which school is the best school for Biomedical and how much cost can we get. pls.... help me...
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
I assume you are looking at master's degree programs. As a degreed engineer, you are qualified to try for admission to biomedical engineering as a graduate program. According to many rankings lists, and to me, who used to employ biomedical engineers, the best biomedical engineering schools in the US would include: - Johns Hopkins - Georgia Institute of Tech - U Washington - Case Western - U Cal San Diego - Duke - Boston University - U Michigan Ann Arbor - U Pennsylvania - MIT - Rice With Johns Hopkins being the strongest.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If I said that less than half the black population in the USA graduated high school, would I be racist

If I said that less than half the black population in the USA graduated high school, would I be racist?
or pointing out a very true fact? My motive for pointing this out is to prove that most people will associate anything negative about blacks to be racist.
Polls & Surveys - 7 Answers
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1 :
What's with all the negative comments about black people today? This is ridiculous.. ಠ_à²
2 :
No, you would just be intelligent.
3 :
That depends. For what purpose are you pointing this out? What's your motive?
4 :
If it's a true statistic, then no. Facts are facts.
5 :
not really your just stating facts
6 :
I asked my husband (whom happened to be black) and he said that it depends how you use it. He also said that it was true. Im married to a black man and I often say before I think and It can be very awkward sometimes when I say things like this but he also knows that Im not saying it aginst him just pointing out facts.
7 :
.You are because why does it bother you, worry about yourself. You should be happy that is not you, and you know what you are. Can you back up what you are saying, where are the links to these statistics? Have you literally looked up what you are saying? I doubt it Because you don't care, you just want to look down on people. So, it makes you look like a bigot. Look at your question...some white people have no common sense sometimes, and the things that come out your mouth and you are suppose to be intelligent; people just cant believe or won't believe that you are in fact that stupid and ignorant, that the only thing they know to call it is racist. But they do not realize that you are just dumb-minded. And don't know any better, but I would not expect anything less. Look at your kids, bullies and harassers

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Good Graduate Film School in Canada, USA but do not have a BFA but a BA

Good Graduate Film School in Canada, USA but do not have a BFA but a BA?
Want a graduate school where I can do Film Production mostly but Film Studies is o.k. Do not have a BFA in cinema but a BA in Sociology. Took courses in Cinema, Film Studies, did short films, wrote scripts. Need a place when I am finished, I can work as a filmmaker or screenwriter without problems. Where I can get well-rounded knowledge of cinema, the industry and technical skills. What do you know about fellowships, scholarships, boursaries and general GRE? What does my general GRE score need to be? What should I write in my letter of intent? With BA do I have good chances to enter? The truth about my GPA requirements (be gentle) ? Should I write a script or just give an essay in Sociology or Film Studies as a writing sample? Careers opportunity? Truly they cannot be that bad? Average annual salary? Filmmakers-- BEST thing about job? WORST thing? If you been to graduate Film School, please give, tell your experience of applying and going to school. Please answer graduate Film Students, Cinema professors. I need a school that is not to hard to get in, where I will learn about foreign cinema if possible (Europe, Africa, Asia) (Please jokers and mean people do not answer)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Search on Google Yahoo Rediff Tripod Infoseek Hotbot MSN Netscape Exite WebCrawler PubMed MedExplorer MedWeb MedHelpInternational AltaVista And many more

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Does anyone (muslim) wear niqab at school in USA

Does anyone (muslim) wear niqab at school in USA??
If yes, how do people treat you? How did you get started? Do people give you a hard time? Was your first day of wearing it really hard??
Religion & Spirituality - 2 Answers
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1 :
There is absolutely no reason to wear one.
2 :
One of the sisters in my class started wearing one. first i noticed she dressed more and more conservative with only black clothes, and she covered more and more gradually, then one day she just put the niqaab on. No one gave her a hard time, that i know of, cuz Im there to protect any sister who does get harrased. She said it was hard getting used to it because it gets hot. She had gym class with me, so imagine that. it was hard for her. I dont cover my head, so i wouldnt know personally.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

how much we pay for schools in usa

how much we pay for schools in usa?
I am on holiday work visa just wanted to know if my kids will get free education in public school?
Financial Aid - 3 Answers
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1 :
620 $
2 :
Public schools are free
3 :
Public schools are open to the public and are federally funded which means you pay nothing! You have the option of enrolling them in private school, the price range for that is usually from $350 upto $1500 depending on the school!

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Monday, June 1, 2009

how much we pay for schools in usa

how much we pay for schools in usa?
I am on holiday work visa just wanted to know if my kids will get free education in public school?
Financial Aid - 3 Answers
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1 :
620 $
2 :
Public schools are free
3 :
Public schools are open to the public and are federally funded which means you pay nothing! You have the option of enrolling them in private school, the price range for that is usually from $350 upto $1500 depending on the school!

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

What exactly is the school/education policy in the USA

What exactly is the school/education policy in the USA?
I'm looking for information on the school/education policies of the USA. in Germany, it's written out in our "constitution", how about in the States? Where can I find information on the topic? In more detail: My questions are, what are a students' rights/obligations? how is the school system built up? what rights/obligations/restrictions do teachers have? ...and more things like that; in essence, anything I can find on the subject.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
try try - try typing in "U.S. policy Department of education" see websites below (hope it help u!)
2 :
In the US, there is no national standard. Each local school system sets its own policies. Within each state there are also different policies, which are enforced for the school systems in that state. So, to do your project, you would be better off focussing on one state, and then visiting the Department of Education for that state. Or, you could choose a local school system and visit the website for that. Local school systems can be County wide, or township wide, or city wide.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Can an immigrant in the USA go to law school

Can an immigrant in the USA go to law school?
Is there any way that an illegal immigrant that is 22 and has been in the united states since they were 4 years old to be able to go to law school to be a lawyer being able to get financial aid?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
Are they a legal immigrant? If so, yes. If not, no. Even in some cases, there are a lot of illegals who get fin. aid, but it requires being unethical, which is a great starting point if you're interested in law.
2 :
No. illegal aliens in the USA. can't do nothing. Please people educate yourself before you give your stupid opinion.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

i am a german nurse do i have to go here in usa ga again to school 3 years in germany nursing school cpmlet

i am a german nurse do i have to go here in usa ga again to school 3 years in germany nursing school cpmlet?
i finish nursing school in germany,i'm in the i have to go to school,again? after the crediental eveluation,do i have to take exam again,if yes what kind & what filed? how long do i have to learn,is there a time limitt?what count here in usa the german certificatonfor nurse in usa?
Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
I looked at something like this a couple years ago. A friend of mine from Guatemala was going to move to USA and he's a doctor. He would have had to take a competency test to be licensed in USA. I remember he would probably have had to study for 6 months (estimate) in order to have a good chance at passing the test. He stayed in Guatemala with a practice there.
2 :
professional licencing [includes nurses] in US is run by the individual states. each state has their requirements avail on the internet. google will find the entry websites for you for any state you're interested in. the good news is that many US states have a shortage of nurses. That means there is a fair chance of getting a work visa -- the the US government's website for details. I would not be surprised to discover that a US employer has to apply for the visa on your behalf. There is an employer certification required saying that they're tried and failed to full their position with a US citizen. Which may mean that you need to find a US employer as the first step. [Hint: major hospitals in large cities are more likely to know how to navigate the paperwork to facilitate your work visa and licence. Hospitals in those cities with many German tourists and/or many German business travelers may need your German language skills which they'll likely be unable to find in the US labor market.] What kind of nursing do you wish to do? GL
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Which are the fashion schools in USA for Masters in Fashion Designing Program apart from FIT, FIDM & Parsons

Which are the fashion schools in USA for Masters in Fashion Designing Program apart from FIT, FIDM & Parsons?
I am looking for good fashion schools in US other than FIT, FIDM, Pratt and Parsons which I already know. FIT and FIDM doesn't offer a program in Masters in Fashion Designing, something that I want to do. Please suggest as I am aghast at how much little the internet has to offer on fashion school rankings for grad programs in USA. Thanks.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Well FIDM doesn̢۪t offer a masters program in fashion design, but they do offer the Bachelor̢۪s of Science in Business Management that I friend took and she loved it! After graduating from the fashion design program at FIDM, she decided that she wanted to expand on her business skills by getting a Bachelor̢۪s in Business Management which complemented her fashion design skills very well. I would look more into the bachelor̢۪s of science in business management program at FIDM, it may be just what you̢۪re looking for. Go to their web site at: for more information. Hope this helps :)

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Friday, April 24, 2009

How to make Friends and Get a Girlfiend as a freshman if I am new to the school and usa

How to make Friends and Get a Girlfiend as a freshman if I am new to the school and usa?
Okay so here it goes, I shifted to motor Motor city a month ago but school has only been on a week now. Its good to be here but its really different form pakistan (my hometown)... most people came to me by my self and intorduced me but i still was not able to make any friends and i dont have nay americans as my friends... neither on facebook... so i just want to know how can i get friends... and most importantly a girlfriend... plzzz I am new and i think this is the best time to get a good advice cox i dont have a fixed impression (gud or bad ) in school.. I am 5'7 and am kinda dark in colour... I am really smart in my classes and I think my face is not really bad ( i iwll give it 8.5 outa 10).. so I wanna know tht how can 1... look good in school and attrct girls ( some of em are my target).. 2..make good and sincere friends .3.... have a good impression on evryone and finally get a gf... please..... I really want you people to help... evry1 is encouraged and appreciated but plzz no crap ansers and i would like typical higschool girls with bfs or no bfs to tell me .. P.S i am a freshman and would also like to know how should i look.. for any additional questions or extrahelp plxx email me on thnx in advance... Ps.. i wanna know aquick wqay on how to be which can attract girls.. wht shoudl i atleast do as the first step and how shou'ld i get frndz.. i mean.. wht to talk to girls about-... plzzzz
Friends - 4 Answers
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1 :
You gotta get confidence in yourself! <3
2 :
DONT try. like feeshmen year almost nobody is dating or anything. in fact, if you play hard to get which means you make yourelf hard to approach, then girls will like you more and dont be a pervert. like its gross. also, dress in the skater style. every girl likes it
3 :
First off, don't post your email on a public website man.. You're asking to get trolled. Secondly, when you get to school just whip your dickk out, American girls love that. \ Shwing!!!!
4 :
\ This is highschool in america which means your gonna have to make yourself known. Be yourself though, don't try to be someone your not. Act like youve known these kids your whole life, get comfortable with them, make jokes, talk to everyone you can. YOU HAVE TO TALK. Be outgoing/funny/cool. But im still saying be yourself. Talk to a random people in class and raise your hand alot in class so people know you exist. You can't be quiet. And the last thing is have fuuuun.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Is it good idea to become high school exchange student in Mississippi, USA

Is it good idea to become high school exchange student in Mississippi, USA?
I'm from Hamburg, Germany and I plan in studying in the United States for one high school year starting August 2010. I'm interesting in the American southern culture and I'm thinking about Mississippi. Good choice?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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My friend is from Mississippi. He liked it there. It is a good place. but it really depends what school and city you plan on attending.
2 :
well its depends what part of mississippi. but I think thats not the best choice.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is this ever discussed in a law school course on "USA Constitution

Is this ever discussed in a law school course on "USA Constitution?
The idea Ben Franklin's Son offered: The notion that the complexity of separation of power as set out by constitution was actually designed to assure that the common person had less rights, more than to assure their rights were protected. In my own words believe he was talking about how greasing the palm that would develop to get anything done would assure only those with lots of grease would ever get anything done.
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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The Constitution was never designed for the 'common person', it was designed for the wealthy landowners who wrote it. But that is irrelevant, the idea that you propose is not of any interest to law school students, who need to know the effect of the constitution and how it has been interpreted over the years, not the intent of the original writers.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anyone know of a local association or Hand Gliding training school in Fort Lauderdale, USA

Anyone know of a local association or Hand Gliding training school in Fort Lauderdale, USA?
I used to do a lot of this so i am looking for a new club.What can you say about this place there and also the organization.What facilities etc. Does it have other benifits like a gym or kung fu classes?I want to get back in good shape on this and so your help is appreciated.Regards
Football (American) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Call Miami Hang Gliding. They have some influence in Ft. Lauderdale. I do not know of their specific facilities, so call.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the best interior design school in USA

the best interior design school in USA?

Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
The Art Institute 1-888-624-0300
2 :
Savannah College of Art and Design .
3 :
Savannah College of Art and Design .
4 :
Interior designers are now licensed to practice, much like a doctor or architect. In order to even sit for the licensing test through NCIDQ (National Council for Interior Design Qualification), you must have a combination of six years of work experience, two years of schooling plus four years of work experience, or four years in a FIDER accredited university or college plus two years of work experience. Licensing helps to create responsible, educated designers. i didnt copy this... i think id know since i am one
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Monday, March 16, 2009

What is the difference between schools in the USA and schools in germany

What is the difference between schools in the USA and schools in germany?
i was wondering what the difference what the school were like in germany? how they are different from the schools in the USA?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
in simple words system in germany is the worst system all over the world
2 :
Here in Germany students are going there first four to six years in the same kind of school after that they are getting separate in different school types with lower or higher requirements. There is the Hauptschule which means Basic school( low requirements) there is the Realschule ( middle requirements) and the Gymnasium ( high level or requirements). The system is known as the most unfair unhuman school system in Europe. In USA you have one kind of the High school that's the main differences.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Can I live in Taiwan, and go to an Online School in USA

Can I live in Taiwan, and go to an Online School in USA?
For example: Let's say I live in Tainan City, Taiwan. And, I want to work full-time. But, I don't want to go to school there, but I still want to get a degree in business. SO! If i go to an online college (like, University of Phoenix) can i live in Taiwan while attending it. And if so, what visa do i get, and if not, what can i do?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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You can attend an online school from anywhere in the world and you don't need a visa to do it.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can I continue to the grduate school in USA after I get my bachelor's and when my visa expires. WHAT TO DO

Can I continue to the grduate school in USA after I get my bachelor's and when my visa expires. WHAT TO DO???

Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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you'll have to revew you visa!see your consulate
2 :
If you are in the U.S. doing a bachelors degree and want to continue on to do a graduate degree, you must apply to the graduate school and have them issue you an I-20 form. You can then either travel back to your home country to apply for a new visa, or, apply in the U.S. for a change of status. Ask the grad school admissions office for help.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PLEASE ANSWER. Chances of getting into a good medical school in USA

PLEASE ANSWER. Chances of getting into a good medical school in USA?
What are my chances of getting into a GOOD med school if I have... (1) 3.59 GPA (2) Major in Biology (3) Minor in Chemistry (4) Completed over 100hrs volunteering at hospitals (5) Interned at the NIH Neurogenetics division, last summer and will be an IRTA next year (1 year @ main campus) (6) Been on the deans list every year (7)...and (have not taken yet but..) get a good MCAT score, say 30+? What are my chances and how could I increase them? **Additional info: -Graduated from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico -Graduated in 3.5 years. (took 18+ credits each semester) Thanks!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
Its the time of the recession in the U.S, so it might be a little harder than in better times.
2 :
I'd say your chances are excellent and you do not have to worry so much about it as you are! Take your MCAT and see how you do, I'm sure you'll do just fine. And apply, apply, apply! There are a lot of good med schools in the US.
3 :
you have a good chance. go for it. good luck!

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Monday, February 16, 2009

My friend is ESL teacher in china she wants to apply job in USA any school you know who hire foreign teachers

My friend is ESL teacher in china she wants to apply job in USA any school you know who hire foreign teachers
She have 10-12 years experience in teaching and her major is Biology. She teaches college,high school and elementary.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
In New York State a teacher must be licensed in NYS. That means 4 different state test, a 4 year degree in the field and a master's degree. I assume hat other states have similar procedures. My dental hygenist had a degree in Italy as a dentist, but had to re-do a good portion of her education here in the US

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Architecture School in USA

Architecture School in USA?
I'm from Greece and i want if someone knows a US university that it is pretty cheap(wen i say cheap i mean that will not be as expensive as harvard or yale) university that will have good architecture programs.New York University is good?
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
Cooper Union Great school; it may not be well known (since it's pretty small), but it always grants a full tuition scholarship :D
2 :
U.C. Berkeley is a great school for Architecture. Not only is it in California but they are actively looking for students from other countries, apparently.
3 :
Us is not known for good architecture universities since America has no known history : No offense (I'm American). It is good in technology: Medicine, engineering, but when it comes to Arts: EUROPE
4 :
Try looking at smaller state schools. Many of them have quality programs but can't compete with the noise of the Ivy's. New York U. is pretty good, but everything in NYC is so expensive. I believe most programs in Chicago are good. I know Ohio programs--the University of Cincinnati and Miami University have good programs. Virginia is also very good. Schools in Oregon and Washington state should also usually have a good reputation.
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

How do I get work in France immediately after getting an MD degree from USA

How do I get work in France immediately after getting an MD degree from USA?
I want to move to Europe to work and live there. I am currently applying to medical schools in USA, and once I get an MD I would like to do my residency- or the equivalent of-(an "internat") in France. Is this easy to do? OR is it easier to transfer to the medical proffesion after doing a residency in USA? I want to do surgery, if that makes a difference.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
why dont you contact the french embassy,im sure they can be of help to you
2 :
It is ALWAYS easier to complete all of your education and training and obtain a valid medical license in one country. Once you're licensed 99% of the hassles disappear.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

I need some info on foreign Asian/Indian going to school in usa

I need some info on foreign Asian/Indian going to school in usa?
hello i have a friend who is north east Indian but hes in the middle east right now and he wants to study for a MBA here in the states im wondering what kind of things he would have to do to move here and to go to school and hes worried about not being accepted because hes Asian so wondering where Asians/Indians would be most accepted at and yes i know there will always be discrimination but maybe a school with a large Asian student population any info at all would be great thanks and i was hoping for a school in north east indiana or orlando florida
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne is in NE Indiana and Fort Wayne has a relatively large Burmese community. See link below.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chances of getting into a good medical school in USA with a 3.59 GPA

Chances of getting into a good medical school in USA with a 3.59 GPA?
What are my chances of getting into a GOOD med school if I have... (1) 3.59 GPA (2) Major in Biology (3) Minor in Chemistry (4) Completed over 100hrs volunteering at hospitals (5) Interned at the NIH Neurogenetics division, last summer and will be an IRTA next year (1 year @ main campus) (6) Been on the deans list every year (7)...and (have not taken yet but..) get a good MCAT score, say 30+? What are my chances and how could I increase them? **Additional info, graduated from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico Thanks!!! Graduated in 3.5 years. (took 18+ credits each semester)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
ok chance
2 :
If your GPA in your science classes is higher than your overall GPA, that will increase your chances. It doesn't really matter what you major in for US med schools as long as you do well in all your pre-med courses. It sounds like you've already graduated.... if that's the case, it will matter what you've been doing since graduation. Some medical schools take more students from "non-US" universities than others, so you may want to research which schools you'll have the best chance of getting into.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How does the public school system work in the USA

How does the public school system work in the USA?
Does it offer a good education or is it just for people who can't afford a private school?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
Some of the public schools are excellent (even better than some private). There are some families who could afford to send their children to private schools, but choose a public school because it offers a better education. Some public schools, however, are not so good. It really depends on where you live. Higher crime areas tend to have public schools that are suffering. . There are also some good and bad private schools too.
2 :
Public schools do offer a good education. It definitely isn't for people who can't afford private school anymore. Basically, in the U.S. you have 13 years of school. Kindergarten and then grades 1-12. Some parents elect to have their child attend preschool or prekindergarten when they're 3 or 4. Children generally enter Kindergarten when they're 5 or sometimes 6. This year the teacher assesses whether or not each child is ready to go onto real schooling which starts in grade 1. Elementary school is generally Kindergarten through grade 5. This is where you learn basic skills and basics in subjects. You learn handwriting, cursive, addtion, subtraction, multiplication, division, sometimes fractions. You have 1 teacher that teaches the primary subjects, but usually there are music teachers, gym teachers and art teachers that students usually go to once a week. Middle school is usually grade 6-8. This is basically preparation for high school. You have more than one teacher, one for each subject area. This is basically the transition period between elementary (basic) education and higher education. High school is usually from grades 9-12. During this time you learn all you really need to know to get by in life, although it is highly encouraged that students attend college. During high school students have the option of taking academic, college prep, honors or AP classes. Academic classes are basic classes for studenst that only plan to graduate from high school. College Prep classes are a little more writing intensive than academic and they are designed to prepare students for college. Honors and AP classes are harder, more challenging classes. Many regard them as college classes in high school. By taking these courses, you usually have a higher GPA. These courses are weighted to compensate students for the difficulty of them. Also, for AP classes you can receive college credit. You can elect to take the AP exam for a particular subject and if you receive a high enough grade, it counts as college credit. Another thing, Colleges would rather see a student receive a C or B in an honors or AP class then an A in academic or college prep. The public school system is regulated by the federal government, state government and then school districts. For example, the federal government imposed the No Child Left Behind Law, so the state government interpreted that law and decided what to do to enforce that law. The school districts must comply with the state. With this No Child Left Behind Law, states generally require all students in a certain grade level to take standardized tests to assess how well that school district and the individual schools are doing to make sure every child is learning or understanding. If a school has good scores on these standardized tests, they are rewarded by receiving more money from the state. Schools that don't have all of the students receiving passing grades on these tests are usually given a warning by the state. The schools that have the lowest scores and those that continue to have lower scores may be intervened by the states. These schools receive less money. Money is basically an initiative for schools. That's basically an overview of the public school system. Most public schools do offer a good education. If they don't, the state intervenes. The schools that usually do bad on the standardized tests are usually inner city schools. Students are not in a good environment....there is crime and the students would rather have street smarts than school smarts. However, these students are usually receiving a good education, they just don't care and don't try hard. I would say private schools are the equivalent to public schools that receive high scores on the standardized tests really. They aren't too different. There are some private schools that aren't great, just like there are some public schools that aren't great. Overall though, no matter where you go to school the U.S., you have an opportunity to receive a good education.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

anyone can send me a copy of propectus of one school in USA regarding civil engineering.

anyone can send me a copy of propectus of one school in USA regarding civil engineering.?

Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
UT Austin, one of the top 10 in Civil Engineering in USA my daughter goes there. They have engineering day you can get all the info. you want. Type in UT Austin, engineering. Van