Monday, December 24, 2012

How to get into medical school straight from high school

How to get into medical school straight from high school?
Does anyone have any information on how to get into medical school in the USA) straight out of high school? What is this program called? Any specific schools that you know of out there? How do I begin researching them? I have no idea what to google to get information on them. Any advice from someone who has done this before?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
I would think that it is impossible to go straight to Med. school from High School. There are programs that let you do one less undergraduate year, but I have never heard of anyone skipping all undergraduate work.
2 :
Unless you're iq is 546 you can just forget about it.
3 :
You are probably thinking about the Combined Degree programs offered at 36 schools in the US; however, you do not go straight to medical school from high school. That does not occur in the US. A Combined Degree is an alliance between a medical school and an undergrad university. You complete three years at the university and if you have met all requirements, then enter the medical school. After completing the first year of medical school you are awarded your undergrad degree. I'll provide the link to the 36 schools that offer the Combined Degree programs.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is there a pre school in the USA which allows 30 students in a class with a single teacher

Is there a pre school in the USA which allows 30 students in a class with a single teacher?

Preschool - 9 Answers
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1 :
There are some!!!!!!!!!
2 :
I don't think so - against the law - and the license of the center
3 :
No. All pre-school calsses have to have at least teo teacher if there are more 15 students with-in the class even then I belive there has the a second teacher present.
4 :
There better not be!!! I don't know this for sure, but each state should have licensing standards in place that keep ratios in check. I would not recommend more than 22 5 year olds in a class, and as the age goes down, so should the ratio. If you are having a ratio issue, please search and find out your state's licensing standards, ask your director, and if she gives you flack about it, call licensing.
5 :
if their is then you need to report them to social services. every state has a teacher to student ratio. even thought the ratio differ from state to state, the highest that i have ever seen is 1-15. even though their are some times that a teacher will be left alone with a group of student (over the ratio limit) but it should only be for a short period of time, not all day.
6 :
It does happen on ocassion, but it is against the regulations. I worked for an afterschool program and I finally quit because they had me in a huge gymnasium with over 40 kids that are ages 5-12 all by myself. I thought I would flip out. To top it off many of them had Tourettes, ADD, ADHD, ticks, behavior problems. No Teacher should have to go thru that. If you do see any preschool like that then you need to report them
7 :
Every state has its own standards and not all programs are regulated. In NY, where I'm from, you are only regulated if you take care of three or more kids for 3 or more hours a day. Traditional nursery schools,or preschools, may chose to get registered with the state but they don't have to so nobody really keeps an eye on them. Scary! Check with the state where you are located, probably you need the Dept. of Social Services or State Ed.
8 :
yes there are a few
9 :
The most you will find in the country is 30 students with one teacher. The children have to over the age of 5 and have to be enrolled in kindergarten. I don't see any pre school director or teacher trying to take care of 30 young children alone. However if the children are napping in the same room then you will only need one teacher. That is the law pretty much throughout the country.
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Saturday, December 8, 2012

I want to ask a question about school system in USA.

I want to ask a question about school system in USA.?
Is there any good ideas from European schools that would be good to use in USA?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes, longer school day and longer school years./

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

what do kids wear in middle school (in the USA)

what do kids wear in middle school (in the USA)?
next school year is going to be the first year of public school and my mom says what i can and cant wear. so i want to know what do normal kids wear in public school?!?!?
Fashion & Accessories - 3 Answers
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1 :
hollister american eagle abercrombie and fitch metropark usa hot topic jeans, shirts, shorts, sandals, shoes.
2 :
Most Kids in My School wear Kinda skinny type jeans with holes or fringes in them.. With colorful shirts with a light jacket or a hoodie
3 :
dont worry about name brands just yet. jeans and t shirt usually.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Do most school kids in USA think that they are going to lose their virginity on prom night

Do most school kids in USA think that they are going to lose their virginity on prom night?
Y!A give the impression that alot do. also gives the impression that alot want to wait til marriage.
Polls & Surveys - 6 Answers
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1 :
Most of them will not. Most of them will be too drunk to even think about having intercourse.
2 :
I know I'm not going to. I'm waiting until I'm married :)
3 :
A lot lose their virginity before then sadly. I'm going to wait till I'm married.
4 :
Bah! They're all fools. And naive. Kids were cooler back in my day.
5 :
ha Nahh waiting till im married. =)
6 :
I lost mine way before prom! I don't know anyone who lost it on prom night or anyone who waited until they were married!

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Friday, November 16, 2012

what's the GPA required for an international student to get accepted in a pre medicine school in the USA

what's the GPA required for an international student to get accepted in a pre medicine school in the USA?
and how about the SAT score?
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
4.0 1600 good luck, mate.
2 :
3.75, not sure about the SAT.
3 :
4.0 & You will be reqired to write an entrance essay.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

In what months does school start and end in USA

In what months does school start and end in USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
well school usually starts in September and goes all the way to June.
2 :
Ends in June/July Begins in August/September
3 :
Some schools will start in August or September and end in April, May, or June. It depends on the school system or college and how many teaching days are required, how many vacation days there are, etc.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

What should I do to be a doctor in the USA

What should I do to be a doctor in the USA?
I am Japanese, never been to the USA, graduated from high school many years ago. My grades were not good. Is there any chances for me to get into medical schools in the USA? If they accept foreingers, what should I do? Is there any information websites could help me to solve this problem? Any information could do, cause I really do not konw anything. Thank you for your help!
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
You need to go to college to become a doctor. Thats it, as long you graduated high school and know english you'll be fine. And you need money to pay for college.
2 :
depends on money usually. money runs everything.
3 :
search for government web sites on the internete about education and immigration policies...

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Students from outside the United States usually come in two categories. Those who are going to come to a school by themselves are usually college students who have finished high school in their own countries. Those who attend high school in the US are usually here with their parents or are part of a "foreign student exchange" program. Your situation does not seem to fit either of these categories, and therefore it needs special attention. Contact the cultural attache of a US embassy or consulate. You need to know specifically how to apply for the necessary visa, how to get admitted to a high school in the US, and what you will have to do in order to complete the diploma. As far as the foreign languages are concerned, you would probably not have to take them, since you are familiar with something else which would probably be substituted. But organizing the details will obviously come first.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Languages - 1 Answers
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1 :
Though I cannot give you a specific answer, I can clarify some fundamentals. Primary and Secondary (high school) education is not controlled by the Federal Government, but by the government of each state. Moreover the school districts, which may be city wide or county wide or cover several communities, have considerable freedom in making choices. You therefore may find different language curriculum's in the various school districts. Some teach Latin, many more teach Spanish and some teach other languages including French and German. Due to the influx of immigrants from Latin America, Spanish has become in the USA a language which can be very useful. If you consider to attend high school in Texas and have an idea as to the community where you live in, I suggest that you contact that school district, give them some background information and ask your specific questions. Go on the Web to the "Texas Education Agency" site at It provides a lot of information. Good luck!
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
It may be part of the graduation requirement depending on the district. I would check with local administrators. Also, I would not be concerned. More than likely these classes are introductory and you need no prior knowledge in the subject to do well. These classes are supposed to teach you the basics and it will be very helpful to your future. Good Luck!

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Languages - 1 Answers
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1 :
Though I cannot give you a specific answer, I can clarify some fundamentals. Primary and Secondary (high school) education is not controlled by the Federal Government, but by the government of each state. Moreover the school districts, which may be city wide or county wide or cover several communities, have considerable freedom in making choices. You therefore may find different language curriculum's in the various school districts. Some teach Latin, many more teach Spanish and some teach other languages including French and German. Due to the influx of immigrants from Latin America, Spanish has become in the USA a language which can be very useful. If you consider to attend high school in Texas and have an idea as to the community where you live in, I suggest that you contact that school district, give them some background information and ask your specific questions. Go on the Web to the "Texas Education Agency" site at It provides a lot of information. Good luck!

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Foreign attending attending usa high school

Foreign attending attending usa high school?
I am at age of 22. I know there is law in texas that I can attend high school till age of 25. I want to join last 12th grade and finish it in usa so I get usa approved diploma. I know, that usa usually teach latin and spanish as foreign languages. I have never learned thse languages. So if I join, will I be required to go to latin/spanish classes and will I be required to do final exams in these languages considering, that I have never learned them? If so, I will take some classes before I go to usa (I got plenty of time). Can someone help me out with this question?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
It may be part of the graduation requirement depending on the district. I would check with local administrators. Also, I would not be concerned. More than likely these classes are introductory and you need no prior knowledge in the subject to do well. These classes are supposed to teach you the basics and it will be very helpful to your future. Good Luck!
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

From when to when is the school year in USA/England

From when to when is the school year in USA/England?

Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
In England the academic year runs from the first week in September till the middle of July. It's different in the US.
2 :
In the US, the school calendar usually is about 180 days of class. The particular calendar is set by the local school district or the county, and can vary considerably. In some places, classes start as early as the first week of August and end in mid May. Other places, class might start as late as the first week of September and continue thru late June.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

High school english books in the USA

High school english books in the USA ?
I need to know a list of books studied in high schools in the Usa
Books & Authors - 4 Answers
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1 :
2 :
9th grade: Catcher in the Rye, To Kill A Mockingbird (may be some more but I'm not sure, these are the only 2 I heard about) 10th grade: The Once and Future King, The Hobbit Sorry, that's all I've got. (I'm still a sophomore).
3 :
There are literally hundreds...thousands even. In America, not only can each state set it's own curriculum, but many districts, schools, and teachers can do the same when it comes to specifics. There are many commonly studied classics - Jany Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, Red Badge of Courage, Portrait of Dorian Gray, Animal Farm, etc, etc, etc - but I've also heard of classes studying Twilight, the Batman Returns graphic novel, or even Stephen King books. Many assignments even let kids pick any book they want to study, even if everyone else in the class are reading different books. What question are you actually trying to answer because it would be impossible to provide any comprehensive list.
4 :
Lord of the Flies Frankenstein Night To Kill a Mockingbird The Scarlet Letter Romeo and Juliet Caesar Oedipus Antigony Catcher in the Rye The Stranger Death of a Salesman
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Question about USA (Im going to study in USA in high school!)

Question about USA (Im going to study in USA in high school!)?
Im 16. I live in europe and I won an exam so Im going to study in the USA for a year in high school. They want to send me to a private school because I won a little scolarship. Anyway Im curious and I dont know anything about USA high school exept in the movies. I wanna study film making/drama & stuff about media. I want a good high school but not too strict. I want california because its hot and .. its great ;D So tell me your opinions please? Can I get in an agency in cali? is it easier? I wanna go to an ivy league university btw.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
California is a BIG place (driving from the southern border to the northern border would take about 15 hours going about 70mph). Where are you going to live? Southern California is where Hollywood is, and north of that, there is nothing interesting until you get to Sacramento/San Francisco, which is about 7 hours north. North of that, you've got mountains and snow and trees.
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Friday, August 24, 2012

How's a regullar school day in the USA

How's a regullar school day in the USA??
describe a regullar school day (if you're in high school or college) please :) PS: i need it for my essay
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
im in college and for me its barely wake up to go to class then as soon as class is over rush back to my dorm to sleep more, then do nothing for the rest of the day except hang out and play video games. But theres always an occasional cram session.
2 :
Well, in high school it was dreaming of skipping school. In college it started as going out of the habit of going to class, then it evolved into going because I am paying for it. now after I have earned two Associates degrees, and I am working towards by bachelors, it's getting fun, because I am done with general education and am now taking classes that I really find interesting and use-full, instead of feeling like I am wasting my time.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

In your opinion, which medical school in the USA is the best

In your opinion, which medical school in the USA is the best?

Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
Stanford or Harvard.
2 :
Johns Hopkins is generally considered the best, followed by Harvard, UPenn, Columbia, and U of Washington at St. Louis.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

do i have to have a high school diploma (of USA) to enter university/college in the USA

do i have to have a high school diploma (of USA) to enter university/college in the USA?
i graduated high school in my country (vietnam) a few months ago and had a diploma
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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1 :
If you have a diploma from your country you do not need to get another one in the U.S. You can use the one you have to attend colleges or universities here in the U.S.
2 :
you would have to contact the school your interested in attending. Some may allow it other might not. Every college has its own entrance guidelines. good luck
3 :
You do not need a high school diploma to go to university here. You just need to qualify on the necessary entrance exams.
4 :
No, you do not need one. But if your first language is not english you will have to take an english proficiency test. Also, you will haveto take a placement test in science and english....which is only to see in which math or english class you belong. If you are planning to attend a very competitive University, try taking the SAT and nailing it is not hard if you ar good in math, plus you can get scholarships based on your grades. Try contacting Vietnamese groups in the USA they can help you and guide you with everything, from immigration paperwork to searching for scholarships. Good luck!
5 :
You can have a High Diploma from any country that is certified by the country board of education on your transcripts, if the grading system is different from the USA it has to be translated and notarized.
6 :
as long as you have a diploma from a highschool in your home country, you can legally attend an american university. the school's main concern will be your grades of course, but also any problems you might encounter in getting a student visa. please make sure you are eligible to enter the united states for study before applying. your school should help you with getting the appropriate paperwork. good luck~~

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What are the TOP film schools in USA

What are the TOP film schools in USA?
What are the best film schools with good reputations in the USA?
Other - Education - 5 Answers
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1 :
I'd assume Full Sail would be up there.
2 :
I know both UCLA and USC have good film schools. They are both close to Hollywood.
3 :
NY Film School...then there is another one that Macauly Culkin was in as well as Jenna Malone-cannot recall the name of it though.
4 :
Vancouver Film School. I'd say that ones' waaay up there. Check out some of the student reels that come out of that school.
5 :
NYU, USC, UCLA, and Brooks Institute
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

an my (Mexican) children go to a USA public school or must I send them to private school

an my (Mexican) children go to a USA public school or must I send them to private school ?
If I move to the USA, can I send my (three) children to a USA public school or MUST I send them to a private school ? The area I am looking at has very good public schools and some very good private schools (but incredibly expensive). Actually , I could afford the private schools but I just want to know what my options are. Some background information : I am thinking of Moving to USA from Mexico. I, my three children and wife all have Mexican Passports(even though we are mostly a Mixture of Russian/German/Spaniards and could apply for passports for those countries). All of us speak fluent English. I currently have my business in Mexico, where I employ 10 people, and fortunately I enjoy a very good living. However..I am currently thinking of moving to the USA and opening a second business there (this second one will start very small with just me and my wife but I am hoping that in a couple of years I can duplicate the success I've had in Mexico. Unlike my fellow countrymen who go the USA, to find jobs and escape poverty , my own particular reason for moving to the USA is strictly for safety because of the drug killings, kidnappings etc. Even though I live in a very affluent and safe area in Mexico , and so far nothing has ever happend to my family, it looks like it is getting nastier every day so I want to get out of here before the s*it hits the fan. However, there are a lot of pros and cons for me to evaluate, which is why I would appreciate any input on the matter. Only serious answers please. Thank you very much ! We would all live legally in the USA.
Primary & Secondary Education - 6 Answers
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1 :
If you're here legally, WELCOME to AMERICA!!!! :D Yeah, your kids can go to public school. I don't see why not.
2 :
You would have no trouble enrolling your children in a public school, particularly if you are residing in the U.S. legally.
3 :
You would first need a green card or some legal way to come to the country and stay. I have no idea how you would start a business as an illegal. If your kids are illegal then it depends on the district whether or not they will take your kids. I am sure a private school would probably take your money. My advice is to stay where you are.
4 :
If your children are legal in the USA they must go to school as long as they live in there. I never studied in the USA, but I have a lot of friends that did. Kids must go to school! I lived (legally) in London and had to study there for all the years I've been in there. If they're illegal, try to change the situation, if they're legal, find the nearest school to them!
5 :
Since you said you will be living legally in the USA, then you will have no trouble at all enrolling your kids in the public school system. As long as you live in the district where you want to send your kids, there will be no problem enrolling them. If you happen to live outside the district, you can still send them to the school you want to send them to as long as you apply for a transfer. But I suggest doing this as soon as possible if applying for a transfer because they tend to fill up spots in the school fast.
6 :
I don't know where you're considering a relocation to, but there are excellent private schools in McAllen, Texas which is about 4 hours from Monterrey NL
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Monday, July 16, 2012

How does the school class system work in the usa and uk

How does the school class system work in the usa and uk?
Is one placed in a certain class based on your age based upon calendar year, or is the age counted from school start or some other date and shit. By the way this question was formulated in a fucked up weird ass amphibous dolphin excagerated long kind of way, so kan ju he(l)p mi sey it in æ simp(l)e(r) way?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
If you left out all that junk I would have given you a good answer, but I think you are just a troll.
2 :
Don't know about the usa. In the uk, the deciding date for which school year/form you are in, is calculated from lst September to 31st August in any school year. So if you were born, for example, on 30th August 1995 and your friend was born on 5th September 1995, you would be in the school year above him. It's based entirely on when you were born, not on academic ability (or lack of it!)
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

where is the best school to learn singing in London,USA or UK

where is the best school to learn singing in London,USA or UK?
I 'd like to go to a singing school which provides scholarship in London, USA or UK please provide the website too so I can have more info. tnx.
Singing - 1 Answers
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1 :
It depends what you mean by singing school. If you are purely interested in singing, then you may as well get a good singing teacher in your area. If you want to do Musical Theatre then, But if you want the singing/music industry side, then look here. There are lots of private Stage/Music Schools, just search them on google. I live in London, so I only really know about London. :)

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

How does the school class system work in the usa and uk

How does the school class system work in the usa and uk?
Is one placed in a certain class based on your age based upon calendar year, or is the age counted from school start or some other date and shit. By the way this question was formulated in a fucked up weird ass amphibous dolphin excagerated long kind of way, so kan ju he(l)p mi sey it in æ simp(l)e(r) way?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
If you left out all that junk I would have given you a good answer, but I think you are just a troll.
2 :
Don't know about the usa. In the uk, the deciding date for which school year/form you are in, is calculated from lst September to 31st August in any school year. So if you were born, for example, on 30th August 1995 and your friend was born on 5th September 1995, you would be in the school year above him. It's based entirely on when you were born, not on academic ability (or lack of it!)

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Where's the best music school for electric guitar in USA

Where's the best music school for electric guitar in USA?
And what do i need to enter to that school? I mean do i need to be an expert or a pro or intermediate students can also enter? Srry if my english is bad
Other - Music - 2 Answers
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1 :
well, when you say ELECTRIC i am assuming you want to study styles like rock, your really limited. Belmont University Musicians Institute Berklee College of Music
2 :
My best friend and band mate is a graduate of the Guitar Institute of Technology in Hollywood, CA., and he's pretty darned awesome. GIT is part of a conglomerate called Musician's Institute, where they also teach bass, percussion, keys, vocals, and production. I believe it's a very intense one year course. You will have to submit an audition tape to be considered. You don't have to be an expert, but they're not going to show you how to tune your guitar. Good luck. Greetings from Austin, Tx Ken

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Who is the number 1 High School Football Team in the USA at present

Who is the number 1 High School Football Team in the USA at present?
I enjoy reading books such as Bleachers, Friday Night Lights and the miracle of St Anthony's, I enjoy reading about the scandals and the seriousness of the games, especially in Texas.... Anybody know of any other good books???
Football (American) - 2 Answers
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1 :
I saw an interesting program (I think that it was produced by ESPN) about the Massillon (SP?) versus Canton rivalry in Ohio. Massillon has a lot of football history. There's got to be some books written about it.
2 :
Liberty High School in Bethlehem

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Friday, June 8, 2012

When school year end in USA

When school year end in USA?
I know it depends on the state,I'm particularly interested on North Carolina and Pennsylvania. I'm planning my wedding for next June, and both my fiancé and I have relatives (cousins and siblings) in school age (high school and elementary) that have to travel overseas to our wedding. Any help would be greatly apreciated I don't know if it varies from year to year, but obviously my interest is the 2009-2010 school year.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
Late may or Early june
2 :
Most schools end in late May through mid June. However, there are some year-round schools that have different schedules, breaking up the three-month summer vacation into one month in July, one in December, and one in April. Check with them to see EXACTLY when they have no school.
3 :
Find out what school they go to, or what school district they are in, or what city they go to school in and slap it into google with the phrase "academic calendar" you will find out exactly when they are out of school. For example in the Philadelphia school district the let out students on June 17th. Other than that a general June 12-15 or so for Pennsylvania (have to count snow days) and maybe a little earlier for N. Carolina

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Friday, June 1, 2012

how many students attend high school in the usa

how many students attend high school in the usa?
how many students are in college in the usa
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
According to Charles Murray in "What's Wrong With Vocational School? Too many Americans are going to college," in the Wednesday, January 17, 2007 online edition of The Wallstreet Journal, "more than 40% of all persons in their late teens are trying to go to a four-year college..." the total number of K-12 students in the U.S. is approximately 49,676,964.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

what is the difference between graduate school and college in USA

what is the difference between graduate school and college in USA?

Studying Abroad - 8 Answers
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1 :
College is where you go for a basic bachelor's degree. Graduate school is Post-graduate education where you get your Master's and PhD's
2 :
College is where one goes to get a higher education after highschool to get a degree such as a Bachelor of Arts or Science or Buisness or the lower levels of Associate Degrees. Grad school is the next level up, getting an even higher degree of a 'Masters' in the field of study. One must succesfully complete college before moving on to Graduate School.
3 :
In college you get a better education that graduate school. I am planning to go to Duke!!! THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
4 :
College is where you get your basic degree. It is generally 4 years, and generally it will prepare you in some liberal arts education or some electives that are not generally related to your degree but will give you a larger base of education. When you go for your masters, you are going for specific courses to your degree, and generally classes are very long and can lead to more money in your field.
5 :
College is where you get a Bachelor's degree, graduate school is where you get a Master's degree or ph. D
6 :
College, or undergraduate work, is geared mored towards a general knowledge. For instance, if one is a liberal arts or humanities major, you would take many classes about history, literature, arts, languages, and in general social sciences, as well as a set number of math and hard science courses, in order to develope and round out your knowledge base. We have majors in undergraduate - so more classes geared towards that subject, but still, there are a lot of general education classes. -There are exceptions, such as vocational/technical colleges, but usually general language, grammar, writing and history classes are still required. Graduate school is more focused, meaning you do not have to take classes outside of your discipline, either your major or minor [if applicable] interest. From what I know of the general european school system, it would be possibl to equate an undergraduate degree with an academic, gymnasium/lycee degree and a Masters with a european university degree. This is because, all students in the US go through roughly the same high school curriculum [of course, some schools are more rigorous than others], so the decision of college verses technical/vocational school is made later, around the age of 18, instead of much earlier, as seems to be the case throughout most of Europe.
7 :
Here is a good article that explains this in more detail:
8 :
College = basic bachelor's degree for undergraduates, usually doesn't offer graduate programs University = offers both undergraduate and graduate programs Graduate school = graduate degrees such as professional degrees in law, business, medicine; or research programs toward PhD

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When you graduate high school in the USA...

When you graduate high school in the USA...?
Is it a pretty big deal? I saw someone ask a question about buying their neighbor's daughter a present for graduating.. I'm from New Zealand and when I 'graduated'/finished high school I didn't even get a congratulations/well done from my own parents.. It's so not a big deal here.
Adolescent - 3 Answers
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depends on your parents and what they can afford. i have seen kids get brand new cars, college tuition, and nothing.
2 :
Well it was nothing like a big blow out party for me. Some of my fellow graduating class had parties and one girls parents bought her a car. But I just got a nice dinner my grandmother made for me and my mom and dad both got me a card. I was very thankful to my parents. Hard to believe its already been two years!
3 :
Yeah, it's a pretty big deal. Most people have big graduation parties and stuff.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Can School/College take foreign transcripts, evaluate and determine if it̢۪s equivalent to high school dipl

Can School/College take foreign transcripts, evaluate and determine if it̢۪s equivalent to high school dipl?
I went to school in the UK and completed all required years of schooling and took some SECONDARY EDUCATION classes (GCSE and GCE A-Level examinations). If i give my certificates awarded can School/College take them and legally give me or determine if it is of same value as a high school diploma (USA)? Can a us high school give me a diploma on my certificates?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I would suggest that you contact the: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. They provide equivalency evaluations in instances like yours. There is a fee, but you would likely need such an evaluation if you were looking to enroll in college or otherwise use your credentials in the US. No, a US high school would not give you a diploma in any instance.
2 :
I think you could talk to admissions staff at the schools which you are considering and they would either be able to evaluate your transcripts, or they would be able to tell you the process to do that. Most schools have staff members who are used to working with international students and they know all the steps you need to take to enroll in an American school. You wouldn't be able to get a high school diploma with your certificates but you don't need it. I suspect you'd be just fine to apply to continue your education if your overall academic performance and exam scores are good.
3 :
If you need the transcripts for college, most US schools accept transcripts from accredited schools in foreign countries. I had my high school transcripts sent to the US from Brasil, and they were fine.
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

how can I get bursary or free education from dance schools in USA

how can I get bursary or free education from dance schools in USA?
I don't have a lot of money and I live in Turkey.I'm 17. five years ago I started to dance(hip-hop).so how can I get bursary?send my videos or send mail???what?
Dancing - 2 Answers
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You would first have to get accepted to a school. As for financial aid... considering you'd be a foreigner, you'd be better off moving to the US indefinitely so you can establish residency. International student/Out of state tuition rates are almost 2/3/4 times of what you'd pay if you actually lived in the area you were going to school in. But free education is not a reasonable possiblity. Not unless you have excellent academic skills and can get a full ride, most people wind up having to take out loans.
2 :
You first need to specify what kind of dance schools you're interested in. There are dance studios where just dancing is taught and no certificate or degree is given, and there are dance programs at colleges and universities. Colleges and universities DO give out full scholarships to foreign students, but you'd have to either be an amazingly talented dancer or very brilliant in your academic studies. That said, no college or university is going to award a talent scholarship based on hiphop dance training. It is not a recognized style in college dance programs except as part of some jazz classes (if any). If you're interested in attending university to study dance, you would need to research which ones you're mostly interested in, as their programs vary significantly, and then contact their international students office to ask about how to apply for scholarships. Prospective dance applicants will always have to submit a video, but to get a dance scholarship, it is very hard to get one without auditioning in person. The EDGE Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles is one of the biggest dance studios in the US for hiphop. They do give out full scholarships, but I've only heard of this done through competitions that are held around the U.S., or at their own building. Broadway Dance Center in NYC, which also offers hiphop, is similar. However, both cities are very expensive places to live and since you'd be a foreign student who doesn't have a green card, you wouldn't be able to work to support yourself. Rigo obviously does not understand how U.S. immigration policies work, so please don't listen to him. Your best bet to train in hiphop in the U.S. would be to find any college that is located near the EDGE studio to give you a full scholarship in whatever academic subjects they offer (for example, Business) so that you can enter the U.S. on a student visa, and then audition at the EDGE for their work/study program. Foreign students are allowed to do work/study programs. Of course, you'd also have to keep up in your studies at the college or risk being deported.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's the best veterinary school school in the USA

What's the best veterinary school school in the USA?

Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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1 :
Berklee in Boston
2 :
It really depends on how you quantify "best." If you are going on school ranking then the best college for veterinary studies is University of Illinois - Urbana - Champaign which is ranked 47th by U.S. News. Here's the rest of that same list Blessings
3 :
UC Davis
4 :
5 :
There are very few vet schools in the US, they are all excellent, and they all take about 3% of applicants. You'd be lucky to get into any of them, but Tufts, Cornell, UPenn, UC Davis, and Texas A&M are excellent.
6 :
There are only 28 vet schools in the US. Asking this question will get you 28 different answers. Everyone thinks that there local vet school is great and therefore the best. Well, you know what? That's true. College experts can go around ranking vet schools all they want. But, the fact is that there is very little bias in the profession based on where a person went to school. All 28 programs are extremely difficult to get into and you would be privileged to go to any one of them. The fact is that it's not necessarily your choice which school you get to go to. Most of the 28 vet schools have a certain number of seats set aside for in-state applicants. If this is an option in your state, then you should go there. First of all it's cheaper, and second of all it's easier to get accepted (in most cases). But, if you find yourself in a state without a vet school or you want to try to increase your chances by applying to multiple programs. Then you will need to do some research and find out which schools accept a large number of out of state students. Many people think UC Davis is the best vet school in the country. However, with over 500 out of state applicants they accept less than 10. So, don't waste your time figuring out the "best vet school". Instead spend your time figuring out which schools you actually have a shot at. You can do your undergraduate work at any 4 year school. So, don't choose your undergrad school thinking you'll have a better shot at getting into vet school. It doesn't work like that.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

What is next on the agenda of New York & LA liberals who had easily hijacked the Republican Party with PINK

What is next on the agenda of New York & LA liberals who had easily hijacked the Republican Party with PINK?
leaders? -Jesus was gay -Semitic found the USA -Whites were decedents of Chinese -Force interracial marriages -gay class in grade school -USA convert to United Stable Animals Honestly, what is next?
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
CA is like a whole other country and I could careless what happens there .
2 :
This must be your brain on drugs.
3 :
See, this is why I never dropped acid or did drugs. ...Hippies.
4 :
I never once considered that John McCain, Robert Dole, George Bush (either one) or Arnold Schwarzenegger were girlie men in disguise. I DO consider them Liberal heretics and better off out of office and out of work. Yes, they hijacked the Republican Party....BUT ITS MY PARTY, AND I WANT IT BACK...along with Sarah Palin, Michelle Buchmann, Jan Brewer, Michelle Malkin, and now Christine O'Donnell. WHY LOOK AT THAT! The girls have bigger juavos than the girlie men!
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Summer Boarding School/Programs in USA Help me! time is running out!

Summer Boarding School/Programs in USA Help me! time is running out!?
I need help finding a summer boarding school in the usa that provides financial aid for students who are not us citizens. i am in 9th grade going to 10th does anyone know any schools?? help me asap because im missing the deadlines!! im looking for a school that will help me improve my GPA and have extra curricular activities such as dance
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Try culver. Its a top Boarding school with an amazing summer program. Its quite pricey but it has almost every sport from horse jumping to sailing and even scuba. This would definitely be a good Choice

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

best place in USA for an high school year

best place in USA for an high school year?
Hi everybody, i'm a girl from italy i'd like to attend an high school year in USA, what's the best state or area in your opinion? california? florida? another place? please help me, thanks
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
It depends on what you like and where you want to live for a whole year. Do you want to live close to the beach and experience warm climate year-round, then choose Florida or California. Do you want to experience the four seasons, then choose a northern state. Do you want to live close to big cities, then choose places near New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington DC. Boston is particularly nice for students, because it has so many colleges in the area. If you want to experience authentic American life with all the traditions, then choose Ohio or any other state in the heart of the country. Good luck!
2 :
For a true American experience I would strongly recommend the Midwest, especially some of the larger cities. Look into the following: Columbus or Cincinnati, OHIO, Indianapolis, INDIANA, Memphis, TENNESSEE, Louisville, KENTUCKY, Des Moines, IOWA, Omaha, NEBRASKA, Kansas City or Saint Louis, MISSOURI, Tulsa or Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA, Topeka or Wichita, KANSAS or Denver, COLORADO. There you will find the nicest, most genuine Americans with none of the fake-ness of the east or west coast.
3 :
Hello! I live in a small town in Kansas and am on my 13th student! Most were a little disappointed at first to discover they were coming to a small town and not a big, famous city! But, once they got here, they realised in a small school they got to do everything they wanted -- played football and other sports, participated in band and choir, had roles in the school play! All of these things are possible because they were in a small school. In a big school, the Americans pretty much have all these activities locked up! However, be aware if you plan to go through an exchange program (about the only way to do this legally) not all of them offer the opportunity to pick where you want to go! The Aspect Foundation -- the one I use, currently has that option -- but you have to pay a bit more and apply earlier! I hope you make it and have a great year!
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

What ages do you go to 'High School' in the USA

What ages do you go to 'High School' in the USA?
Is it the same as what the UK would call a 'Comprehensive', ages 12-16?
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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14-18 is the age for most people. 13-17 is also pretty common. It varies depending on what state you live in. 12-16 is a bit low for high school.
2 :
there are 4 years in highschool and the age are around like 15 years old at freshman, 16 years old in sophmore, 17 years old in junior , and 18 years old in senior.
3 :
anywhere from 13-18 depends on your birthday....

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it worth going to school in the US to do nursing or should i just stay in Canada

Is it worth going to school in the US to do nursing or should i just stay in Canada?
However, i find it extremely hard in Ontario to get into a nursing program today.. the standards are really high.. I know it is competitive as well in the states.. however I meet and pass the USA schools i am interested in requirements.. also the reason why i am considering to go across the border is because when i get my BSN i want to be a CRNA but they dont have that in Canada
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
stay in canada
2 :
It will be cheaper in Canada and a Canadian degree will be accepted in the USA. However, it may be easier to get into a US program but the cost will be much higher. Your choice.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Anyone know of a local association or training school in Los Angeles,USA

Anyone know of a local association or training school in Los Angeles,USA?
I used to do a lot of this, so i am looking for a new club.What can you say about this place and the organization also what about the facilities. Does it have more in training like a gym or jeet kune do classes?I want to perfect myself in this and so being active is the way to go.Thanks
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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1 :
Try these links, but be sure to hit your back button when done looking at each one: Martial arts: Weight training: Jeet kune do:;_ylt=A0oGkxO76XFIsmsA_oRXNyoA?p=Jeet+kun+do+in+Los+Angeles+california&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8 Hope this helps!
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

o I have to have a college degree to be a high school teacher in the USA

o I have to have a college degree to be a high school teacher in the USA?
I was just wondering... No rude answers,please!If you think this question is stupid,keep your opinion to yourself! Does it help if I have the FCE (First Certificate in English)?
Teaching - 3 Answers
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1 :
Pretty sure you have to both have a Bachelors Degree and a teaching certificate which requires taking a few tests. Trust me, you want the degree regardless. It will add to your paycheck no matter what you do.
2 :
This is really a state-by-state issue and varies greatly depending on where you live or wish to teach. Each state has their own requirements and rules for teaching in the public school system. Most states are going to require a teaching certificate or license and a bachelor's degree in education or the subject area you are teaching. I would check with your state's department of education for all the rules and regulations regarding this question.
3 :
In NY all public school teachers need a masters degree. A high school teacher needs a masters in the subject area. Each state is different.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Is there a minimum age in USA to get a High School Diploma or to be in senior year

Is there a minimum age in USA to get a High School Diploma or to be in senior year?
Is there something like a age restriction for getting a high school diploma or to be in the senior year? I am an exchange student. and everyone is saying i can't graduate from there because i am young.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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No as long as you have all of the required credits completed, you should be able to graduate : )
2 :
You need to have all the required credits in order to graduate. Pass all your classes and you should be fine :).
3 :
You said you are young but you did not say how old you are. However, there is no minimum age to obtain a high school diploma but if a person is quite young parental approval might be needed. Just to be sure the student can handle to work, the pressure of other students and so forth. I knew a kid who at fourteen was a college freshman. He however was very immature and did not know how to act around kids his age. He ended up going back to high school because he missed having a normal life. It is great to want to succeed. But, there are problems I have with getting a high school diploma when somebody is younger than 16. If the person does not go to college there are not many jobs they can do because the person still is a minor. I am a college senior and I plan on graduating in December 2009 and I don't want to rush life. Enjoy what you have now. I was an exchange student and I know what it is like. Going back to your country everyone wants to know what you did and there is a certain sense of pride involved. If you really want to graduate early then go for it. Nothing should stop you from your dreams.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is there a minimum age in USA to get a High School Diploma or to be in senior year

Is there a minimum age in USA to get a High School Diploma or to be in senior year?
Is there something like a age restriction for getting a high school diploma or to be in the senior year? I am an exchange student. and everyone is saying i can't graduate from there because i am young.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
No as long as you have all of the required credits completed, you should be able to graduate : )
2 :
You need to have all the required credits in order to graduate. Pass all your classes and you should be fine :).
3 :
You said you are young but you did not say how old you are. However, there is no minimum age to obtain a high school diploma but if a person is quite young parental approval might be needed. Just to be sure the student can handle to work, the pressure of other students and so forth. I knew a kid who at fourteen was a college freshman. He however was very immature and did not know how to act around kids his age. He ended up going back to high school because he missed having a normal life. It is great to want to succeed. But, there are problems I have with getting a high school diploma when somebody is younger than 16. If the person does not go to college there are not many jobs they can do because the person still is a minor. I am a college senior and I plan on graduating in December 2009 and I don't want to rush life. Enjoy what you have now. I was an exchange student and I know what it is like. Going back to your country everyone wants to know what you did and there is a certain sense of pride involved. If you really want to graduate early then go for it. Nothing should stop you from your dreams.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What is the difference between high schools in Canada and USA

What is the difference between high schools in Canada and USA?
Okay so, right now I attend a semestered high school in Canada, however my mom is moving to the usa and I have to go with her. :( so anyways, how do the high schools in the USA work?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
In the town I live in California, kids barely spend any time at school, just about 4 hours a day, they have lots of days off, they barely know how to spell, and they pass everybody no matter how ignorant they are.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In my research of best acting schools in USA i came across NYFA as the best choice so far.Is it?.

In my research of best acting schools in USA i came across NYFA as the best choice so far.Is it?.?
The research was based on tuition,quality,requirements(which are none inNYFA)and reputation of the school.Kid from Serbia.Ty for ure answers
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers
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1 :
I have always heard good things about this school...

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Joke : an Indian boy on his first day at school in the USA

Joke : an Indian boy on his first day at school in the USA
It was the first day of school and a new student named Chandrashekhar Subrahmanyam entered the fourth grade. The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American History. Who said "Give me Liberty, or give me Death"? She saw blank faces except Chandrasekhar "Patrick Henry 1775" Very Good!!! Then she asked who said " By the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth?" Again, no response except from Chandrashekhar. "Abraham Lincoln, 1863" said Chandrashekhar. The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed. Chandrashekhar, who is new to our country, knows more! About its history than you do." She heard a loud whisper: "F**k the Indians," "Who said that?" she demanded. Chandrashekhar put his hand up. "General Custer, 1862." At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke." The teacher glares around and asks "All right! Now, who said that?" Again, Chandrashekhar says, "George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991." Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? S*ck this!" Chandrashekhar jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!" Now with almost mob hysteria someone said "You little shit. If you say anything else, I'll kill you." Chandrashekhar frantically yells at the top of his voice, "Gary Condit to Chandra Levy, 2001." The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, "Oh shit, we're f**ked!" And Chandrashekhar said "George Bush, Iraq, 2005." ____________________________ This joke is not meant to be racist or derogatory to any community in any sense,if anyone of you are offended,please let me know so that I can delete this question.I certainly dont want any violations
Jokes & Riddles - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Haha That was definitely worth reading. Very funny :)
2 :
lmao! god that was hysterical, i loved it!
3 :
quite the history lesson
4 :
0.o plz post more!
5 :
I hope nobody gets offened coz that was brilliant. Keep them coming...Keep the people laughing.
6 :
haha all that reading was worth it! star. (=
7 :
haha quite funny
8 :
Not funny.
9 :
i loved that and im indian. i didnt think that was offensive!
10 :
Yeah it was funny and probably a little closer to the truth than most of un native to the US would like to think.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Can my (Mexican) children go to a USA public school or must I send them to private school

Can my (Mexican) children go to a USA public school or must I send them to private school ?
If I move to the USA, can I send my (three) children to a USA public school or MUST I send them to a private school ? The area I am looking at has very good public schools and some very good private schools (but incredibly expensive). Actually , I could afford the private schools but I just want to know what my options are. Some background information : I am thinking of Moving to USA from Mexico. I, my three children and wife all have Mexican Passports(even though we are mostly a Mixture of Russian/German/Spaniards and could apply for passports for those countries). All of us speak fluent English. I currently have my business in Mexico, where I employ 10 people, and fortunately I enjoy a very good living. However..I am currently thinking of moving to the USA and opening a second business there (this second one will start very small with just me and my wife but I am hoping that in a couple of years I can duplicate the success I've had in Mexico. Unlike my fellow countrymen who go the USA, to find jobs and escape poverty , my own particular reason for moving to the USA is strictly for safety because of the drug killings, kidnappings etc. Even though I live in a very affluent and safe area in Mexico , and so far nothing has ever happend to my family, it looks like it is getting nastier every day so I want to get out of here before the s*it hits the fan. However, there are a lot of pros and cons for me to evaluate, which is why I would appreciate any input on the matter. Only serious answers please. Thank you very much ! We would all live legally in the USA.
Primary & Secondary Education - 6 Answers
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1 :
If you're here legally, WELCOME to AMERICA!!!! :D Yeah, your kids can go to public school. I don't see why not.
2 :
You would have no trouble enrolling your children in a public school, particularly if you are residing in the U.S. legally.
3 :
You would first need a green card or some legal way to come to the country and stay. I have no idea how you would start a business as an illegal. If your kids are illegal then it depends on the district whether or not they will take your kids. I am sure a private school would probably take your money. My advice is to stay where you are.
4 :
If your children are legal in the USA they must go to school as long as they live in there. I never studied in the USA, but I have a lot of friends that did. Kids must go to school! I lived (legally) in London and had to study there for all the years I've been in there. If they're illegal, try to change the situation, if they're legal, find the nearest school to them!
5 :
Since you said you will be living legally in the USA, then you will have no trouble at all enrolling your kids in the public school system. As long as you live in the district where you want to send your kids, there will be no problem enrolling them. If you happen to live outside the district, you can still send them to the school you want to send them to as long as you apply for a transfer. But I suggest doing this as soon as possible if applying for a transfer because they tend to fill up spots in the school fast.
6 :
I don't know where you're considering a relocation to, but there are excellent private schools in McAllen, Texas which is about 4 hours from Monterrey NL

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